Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


My picture files are too big to post on here. Can I email them to you? Also have a really good night video you can see. Very clear. Lemme know mang before it's too late


frdd, I read and read until you were burned out from so many requests for "the finished plant".
This is our first grow, i have a spinal cord injury and this is a last resort for unbearable pain.
Ok, Until i stumbled on your thread, we had narrowed harvesting time down to
cloudy trichomes with a few amber. Sounds so simple right! Now after reading your suggestions, nothing is looking ready out there, and we already cut down and hung the blue cheese. There are several strains, white widow, uk cheese, sharks breath. According to the microscope, it's almost time. Like this weekend!
Sounds as if you got completely away from looking at the trichomes.
I know you "felt like you were taken advantage of", but with the response you got, doesn't that show you how many of us must have thought nearly the same thing?
Trichomes, trichomes, trichomes. Even if you were still accepting pictures, i don't know how to copy and paste, so i couldn't have shown you anyway.
But... when i go look at them after seeing what you suggest, they do NOT look ready versus the colors of trichs.
So... i am just curious as to how many people could have it so wrong, especially after the ease you have just by looking at a picture.
Ok, just had to get that off my chest, i need pain control and after all these months, just hate to blow it at the last. I'm a girl, so please don't blast me for
this question. I really am sincere.


Ok....I know I've posted on here earlier....but its now Oct 7th and I just don't know where I'm at. Pure Afghan from Amsterdam seeds. Sexed her on August 20th. This is where she is at right now. Very slow, slow, slow. We have protected her from frost and she is very, very healthy. Its just what I'm seeing on all the other pictures is just not there...Hope you can help identify how much further I have to go.

We have temps in the high teens to low 20's next week (64F-75F) and it won't be going lower than 10C (50F)

She is about 4' 10" now. I think she is going to finish at Christmas...I'm growing my own tree!



Greycaddy, I to am growing due to chronic pain. I need to be able to reduce even a little of the medications I need to keep from screaming. I agree with your comment....just hate to blow it at the last. I feel the same way. I've buggered around with a single plant since May. She is all I have.


Ok seriously someone throw me a freakin bone here. Lol. I've tried halfing the images and they still wont upload. Someone wanna upload for me??? I feel very close to harvest and was hoping to do the 48 hrs of darkness before I hack them down. Help me out ppl much appreciated
hey whats up guys i got this purple kush here been flowering about 6 weeks suppose to go about 50-60 days i heard, i just got a magnifier 60-100x led and the trichomes are lookin mostly cloudly with maybe like 1% amber very few i was thinkin like 1 more week for the top cola and then maybe 2 for the rest of the palnt.The temp dropped quite a bit the past cpl of days so it is making the plant look likes its done excepth i can still see some new growth im still a noob so let me know what u guys think PK.JPGPK2.JPGPK3.JPGPK1.JPG i think a week maybe 2nd pic is the top im thinking looks pretty well done


Well-Known Member
here's a couple of pics of my Sweet Deep Grapefruit. I'm sure there's a couple of weeks left. I'm going to start to flush tonight.
Ok seriously someone throw me a freakin bone here. Lol. I've tried halfing the images and they still wont upload. Someone wanna upload for me??? I feel very close to harvest and was hoping to do the 48 hrs of darkness before I hack them down. Help me out ppl much appreciated
hey man i hope this works for u try to do it in advanced reply and do it thru the manage attachments button that is the only way i know how to do it i dont know how to do the url way or whatever it is


Ok seriously someone throw me a freakin bone here. Lol. I've tried halfing the images and they still wont upload. Someone wanna upload for me??? I feel very close to harvest and was hoping to do the 48 hrs of darkness before I hack them down. Help me out ppl much appreciated
The images have to be very small. They need to be around 240X180....kind've like a thumbnail.


Well-Known Member
Yea those looks like they are almost there. Id def start flushing and let it go atleast another week. U got somethin to check trichomes with?