Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Ok so this is my first plant and it's been through alot. It has already been through one cycle but never got over a ft tall or real buddy then my dog ate the top if it. So I left it alone and kept it outside trying to maintain it. I know it's been through a lot but if I get a few buds off of it that are ready I'll be satisfied. Its been outside the whole time, I live in Florida and was told I should wait till mid-late Oct to harvest. Im already seeing the pistils turn colors and staring to bud. I want to make sure it's harvested at the right time. The buds at the top are alot more mature compared to the bottom. Should I harvest the top first then the bottom? Any help will be much appreciated.. Thanks!! Pix are below and was taken after I brought it inside due the nonstop rain hinge why the leaves are soaked.



Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my first plant and it's been through alot. It has already been through one cycle but never got over a ft tall or real buddy then my dog ate the top if it. So I left it alone and kept it outside trying to maintain it. I know it's been through a lot but if I get a few buds off of it that are ready I'll be satisfied. Its been outside the whole time, I live in Florida and was told I should wait till mid-late Oct to harvest. Im already seeing the pistils turn colors and staring to bud. I want to make sure it's harvested at the right time. The buds at the top are alot more mature compared to the bottom. Should I harvest the top first then the bottom? Any help will be much appreciated.. Thanks!! Pix are below and was taken after I brought it inside due the nonstop rain hinge why the leaves are soaked.

that has a month yet.

Donnie Iris

Ok, well I could use some help, fdd! Your expertise would be greatly appreciated. Am I allowed to post picture in my first post? I'll try it.

Here it is... CFL organic grow, 12/12 from seed, right around day 56. How much longer do you think?


I am wondering when you think these will be done. In week 8 of flower, they have a ton of brown "hairs" but there is also new growth, wondering if it is still growing or if I missed the ripe time? Tried looking at Trichromes, I think mostly clear some opaque, only found 1 amber. Just worried about the new growth on the buds. THanks!!


someone else

Active Member
Hey Fdd, I hope I didn't break any format protocol, because I have two vids (3 mins a piece) that I'd like you to take a look at. If that's not acceptable, I'll upload some frames instead.

I know the image quality makes it difficult to see in macro detail, but the distance shots are crisper.



Sour Diesel:


They've been flowering since the middle of July, and the hairs are turning from pink to red ever so slowly. Smell really citrusy and fruity.

This video was taken after a several day storm front moved through the area. I had enclosed the plants in two shelters with tarps, and they seem no worse for wear.

Thanks for any feedback!

(Also: I know the plants are yellowing badly; the roots need more air. Too much water)


Well-Known Member
DSCN0465.jpgDSCN0470.jpgDSCN0471.jpggreat thread for first timers! Thanks much. most of the trichomes are cloudy very few amber, at least another 1-2 weeks?DSCN0461.jpg


Well-Known Member
I am wondering when you think these will be done. In week 8 of flower, they have a ton of brown "hairs" but there is also new growth, wondering if it is still growing or if I missed the ripe time? Tried looking at Trichromes, I think mostly clear some opaque, only found 1 amber. Just worried about the new growth on the buds. THanks!!

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crazy growth. :shock:

they look done. you could probably give the a few more days if you want though.


Well-Known Member
Hey Fdd, I hope I didn't break any format protocol, because I have two vids (3 mins a piece) that I'd like you to take a look at. If that's not acceptable, I'll upload some frames instead.

I know the image quality makes it difficult to see in macro detail, but the distance shots are crisper.



Sour Diesel:


They've been flowering since the middle of July, and the hairs are turning from pink to red ever so slowly. Smell really citrusy and fruity.

This video was taken after a several day storm front moved through the area. I had enclosed the plants in two shelters with tarps, and they seem no worse for wear.

Thanks for any feedback!

(Also: I know the plants are yellowing badly; the roots need more air. Too much water)

got any pics? ;)


Hey what up, hope this is'nt confusing, i put the name of the plants and the bud shots on the picture incase they were'nt in order. thanks for the info......

