Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


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Afghan special kush, week seven. I stopped nutes about 5 or 6 days ago. What do you think? Another weeka? thats what im planning for.
no dont screw it up and cut it in a week please! that needs at least 2 more weeks if not 3 or 4. Start back on a nute regimine, maybe half strength but if what you were doing was working (it looks like it was) keep doing that. That plant looks great but trust me, 3-4 weeks. take it off nutes in 2-3 weeks


Well-Known Member
is that a purple bubblegum strain? where did you get that> seed? clone? looks bad ass.
ya its tough to tell that far out, at least 3-4 if not 5-6
its a bubblegum clone my friend gave me the nugs for some reason are solid purple. he gave me 5 clones and the bubblegum is the only plant that i know for sure the strain is bubblegum. my other 4 plants im not totally sure on he said he thinks he gave me GDP and some and some type of kush and no idea what the other 2 are but check out this crazy plant im growing.IMG_0548.jpgIMG_0534.jpgIMG_0533.jpgIMG_0540.jpg