want to learn breeding from ground up/////


OK NEW TO THIS POST BUT here for reson I realy instest in learning about breeding from ground up.... iv been growing indoor for almost 3years.now on my own,and a good 2years a hand??? if u feel// east cost//// lol hah//... anyway so what im saying is iv got a pretty good system but always up for good constructive cricicism so that being said im up for new projet so if anyone dosent mind soothing me few things here and ther about it id thank u.


Active Member
You have only been growing 3 years-- how many grows-- how many where you were able "max-out" the plants according to breeder specs?

Breeding has to start with the best genetics in the best conditions possible, the knowledge behind it AND several YEARS time-- with at least 4-6 grows per year during that breeding process in order to get Homogenous stable genetics...
It is not only a matter of crossing 2 good parents, (F1's) but crossing siblings, back crossing to the original parents and recrossing Sibs until you get the traits you are breeding for, breed OUT any issues, and get them stable.

Google "Mendel and Cannabis Breeding"... it'll give you an Idea of what you are in for!

Now- if all you are doing is crossing a male and feamale of 1 strain for seeds for yourself-- no biggie... anything else is quite detailed IF you aren't just "pollen chucking" and are breeding for a desired result....


Active Member
Uhm hun... just read your other posts...
You need more growing under your belt, and to understand the different types of plants, their needs, different nutes/lights/systems etc.. before you get into breeding!!!