Want to make sure everyone is good

I made them from hardware cloth (1/2 inch mesh, a bit stronger than chicken wire). So it’s 2 feet high and 4 feet in diameter. If you’re good at math, you can get that into gallons right quick.
@MustGro what's ur recipe for so much soil how do you mix it...I feel like your mixing soil for weeks
I used sphagnum peat moss plus Gaia Green 4-4-4, greensand, and their glacial rock till. 10 and 20 kg bags, no small 2 kg tubs.some bales of Sunshine #4, a big bag of powdered dolomite (18kg-40lbs) 2 huge bags of vermiculite, a huge bag of perlite. I think that’s it for bought stuff. I ran all of it last year in the same type of setup, but fed it all on chemical nutes. I broke it all down last fall and piled all the mix up. I finally had enough compost made this year to make it a big part of the mix and that’s the main ingredient behind the sphagnum. They’re getting necrotic now in flower. I’ve got some fish emulsion coming and have some Canna Bio I’ve been giving them, but I should have topdressed with more compost a month ago. I’ll know better next year.
I mix all this shit on the ground with a shovel and then I fill my garden cart and drive it to the pot and shovel it in. Only about 40 trips or so….
It takes a few days, not weeks, but depends on the weather. I’m not breaking them down this year. Cutting the stalk, leaving the roots, and planting a cover crop of red clover. Next spring I’ll plant right beside the old stalk and topdress the clover under in new compost
Yeah I’m hydro mostly. It suits me better. I like the speed of it.
The outside stuff is pretty new to me, just my third year. I don’t like it near as much as the inside though. Too much damage from the wind and rain.
I used sphagnum peat moss plus Gaia Green 4-4-4, greensand, and their glacial rock till. 10 and 20 kg bags, no small 2 kg tubs.some bales of Sunshine #4, a big bag of powdered dolomite (18kg-40lbs) 2 huge bags of vermiculite, a huge bag of perlite. I think that’s it for bought stuff. I ran all of it last year in the same type of setup, but fed it all on chemical nutes. I broke it all down last fall and piled all the mix up. I finally had enough compost made this year to make it a big part of the mix and that’s the main ingredient behind the sphagnum. They’re getting necrotic now in flower. I’ve got some fish emulsion coming and have some Canna Bio I’ve been giving them, but I should have topdressed with more compost a month ago. I’ll know better next year.
I mix all this shit on the ground with a shovel and then I fill my garden cart and drive it to the pot and shovel it in. Only about 40 trips or so….
It takes a few days, not weeks, but depends on the weather. I’m not breaking them down this year. Cutting the stalk, leaving the roots, and planting a cover crop of red clover. Next spring I’ll plant right beside the old stalk and topdress the clover under in new compost
Yeah I’m hydro mostly. It suits me better. I like the speed of it.
The outside stuff is pretty new to me, just my third year. I don’t like it near as much as the inside though. Too much damage from the wind and rain.
They are huge man I got a 100 gallon pot I wanna throw outside so bad I know I'll yield something crazy off of it...so what taste better the dro or the outdoor In your opinion
They are huge man I got a 100 gallon pot I wanna throw outside so bad I know I'll yield something crazy off of it...so what taste better the dro or the outdoor In your opinion
Inside is best for everything for me. Size, taste, smell, but you might get better weather than I do. Always 90% humidity here in the morning, even in summer. We get nice fall sun, but big wind and rain. Shit we can get rain everyday for a week or two in the fall sometimes. The only reason for me to go outside is low cost. I spent $$ on nutes last year, but just bought some bloodmeal, a kelp extract for 20 bucks, and a gallon of fish emulsion on Amazon this year. It’ll be 4-5 pounds of scrungy weed, but like I mentioned I make extractions from it.
Speaking of extractions, how about pointing a person in the right vaporizer direction @Cotyledon420?, @blueberrymilkshake
Can you link me to a site where I might get a decent vaporizer. Totally new to me, but my friend likes his and I’d like a way to smoke some of my RSO. I’d love to be able to use it to smoke Kief like you do Cotyledon.
No tobacco for me though.
Speaking of extractions, how about pointing a person in the right vaporizer direction @Cotyledon420?, @blueberrymilkshake
Can you link me to a site where I might get a decent vaporizer. Totally new to me, but my friend likes his and I’d like a way to smoke some of my RSO. I’d love to be able to use it to smoke Kief like you do Cotyledon.
No tobacco for me though.
Im not sure about vapes for concentrates, I only vape nic salts. But come harvest time, I will be researching the topic. The first time I vaped thc was a volcano then a magic flight box. That should say how inexperienced I am with that.

I used to write for a relative high traffic vape sight for nicotine. Know that shit up and down but the gooey stuff is lost on me
Im not sure about vapes for concentrates, I only vape nic salts. But come harvest time, I will be researching the topic. The first time I vaped thc was a volcano then a magic flight box. That should say how inexperienced I am with that.

I used to write for a relative high traffic vape sight for nicotine. Know that shit up and down but the gooey stuff is lost on me
I have a Flight Box. I was not impressed at all and it hasn't been used in years. I prefer vaping flower with my desktop vape.

My vape stays turned on 24/7. So it's always ready. Put weed in wand, hold up to vape, and inhale, lol.
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Shit my bad haha your desktop vape

I have the Silver Surfer vapes. They take about 3 minutes or so to heat up if you don't leave it turned on. I've had one going 24/7 for like 10 years now. And 7th Floor is an awesome company to work with.

You can find them on Ebay sometimes. That's where I got mine. I have 2 with the standard heater covers and I love those. I also just got a spherical heater over and wand one off Ebay, but I haven't tried that one yet. But you can put whatever heater cover you want on any of the SSV's though.

I've always been a smoker and so it was an adjustment, but I love it now, and so do my lungs.