Wanting to move to AZ

If they can't stop States from enacting laws to benefit the People, the government will have no choice but to regulate and tax it!

Remember the alcohol prohibition era!! Same shit needs to happen!

Regulate and tax those who seek profits from the plant but allow personal consumption to be unregulated or taxed!
Please elaborate on how a divorced dad can leave the state and leave his kids behind just to "stand up for what is right".

I personally believe, if you breed them, you fucking stick around and you raise those little fuckers. Whether or not its in the state you want to be or with the woman that you are able to cohabitate with.

I raise my kids.
Yes, I agree, any real man would do ANYTHING to see his kid raised right.
I didnt have a "little fucker" but do have an awesome Son. Accolyte at Church, vacation Bible School(5yrs), raced His kidkart 2 yrs at PKRA(Phoenix Kart Racing Association), track team at school, soccer team, learning Trumpet, & 1st degree, Leve l2 Black Belt TKD at 10 years old.
I raise my kids.
Yes, I agree, any real man would do ANYTHING to see his kid raised right.
I didnt have a "little fucker" but do have an awesome Son. Accolyte at Church, vacation Bible School(5yrs), raced His kidkart 2 yrs at PKRA(Phoenix Kart Racing Association), track team at school, soccer team, learning Trumpet, & 1st degree, Leve l2 Black Belt TKD at 10 years old.

Yes I agree. Im also an awesome dad except I don't make my kids go to camp to make them believe in Gods, Unicorns, Aliens or Ghosts.

I noticed you skipped answering the questions.
No matter how much we can pat ourselves on the back, our kids will grow up with some issue with Dad that they will use to explain their poor behavior. Mine will probably be, "My friends parents stopped my friends from coming over because the house always smelled like weed from the pot dad grew in his Phototron."

I thought alien, ghost and unicorn camp was called 'the movies'.