wanting to understand sexing better


Well-Known Member
now im looking for actual knowledge here. so dont bombard me with your ego trips.

since i have started doing what i call my first real grow (previous years having just planted in a random safe spot by a bush etc) i have been making diagrams, taking pictures, really learning it. Since this is a controlled indoor grow, i can really learn what i need to.

my one plant, has now been on 12/12 for about 8 days. its starting to flower nicely. the top has what looks like little ovaries all over it, so do some areas further below. now guessing from what i see here, the hairs dont start to show for a bit? am i correct? because i dont think what i see here is male balls, but then again how would i know. does anyone have any quality pictures of pre flowering? is there a way to tell before the hairs come out wether its female or not? im sure someone must be able to tell. female budding even early on would look different than male.

if not then i guessed wrong. i dont know. first timer here, help a guy out.



Well-Known Member
alrite dude,

im havin the same problem as you but... iv been told the follwing... female and male preflowers all start as one small ball (calyx) and then after a few days if tiny white hairs show then its female but if more calyxs form then its male.. iv just started a thread on the 'general mj growing' section on this exact same topic so you may wana heck it out, doubt iv got any replies yet tho lol



Active Member
at each node should be a little spear-head shape with usually two white hairs protruding. I have a female pic in my gallery....


Well-Known Member
Look at the male, see how he looks like he has a body with a head on it, well you can see that in presexing (veg) and as for the female she will look like a tear drop in veg. Normally the 6th/7th node up.


Well-Known Member
Look at the male, see how he looks like he has a body with a head on it, well you can see that in presexing (veg) and as for the female she will look like a tear drop in veg. Normally the 6th/7th node up.
ok i see what youre saying. thanks man, mine defanatley dont have a head like that. and i did notive the tear drop shape, someone else told me that too. even now further down the plant there is tear drops, you can see they are slowly growing. very slowly though lol.

someone also said taht a male will just get more calyx's. my plant has many calyx's on it, and tthe top seems to be getting more everyday. but wouldnt this happen on a female too? before the hairs came out wouldnt it get lots of calyx? makes sense to me. (and im hoping)


Well-Known Member
males usually grow faster and show before females also.Just keep that in mind
ill keep that in mind. becuase this plant didnt start to flower for 6-7 days after 12/12 light.
so im hoping.

if it is a male though, im just gonna grow it away from the others. its still a nice looking plant. we harvest the female, the male diserves his respect.

also, what about keeping a flowering male in a veg room with other plants? i guess its not a good idea eh? becasue you never know where the pollin can shed in there.


Well-Known Member
Get those males straight out of the grow site, drive them to a large body of water and put them in a bag with rocks and throw them in the water.
One nut from a male can pollenate a garage full of females. And if you have him in your veg room, and a nut bust, well I bet you that pollen will find a ride over to the flower room.


Well-Known Member
ok i took a pic. they are looking male to me. : ( but i will wait longer anyways. im just gonna grow this plant somewhere else then maybe the ill let my cats eat it. but ill wait longer just in case.

this is the clearest pic i could get with my crap camera.



Well-Known Member
also another question, when there is female preflowers, is there a lot of them? or just one? all these diagram pics here i just see one with pistols. mine has lots all over. especially on the main cola. thre is lots of them in groups. ...its a male isnt it?


Well-Known Member
nope its not clusters like that, THANK GOD hahaha. but there is to me what looks like, if im lucky, a bunch of ovaries or whatever. calyx. but i also thought thats proably just the way they grow because why would there be only one little female ovarie by itself there is lots to one bud.... would sure love an expert view


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
nope its not clusters like that, THANK GOD hahaha. but there is to me what looks like, if im lucky, a bunch of ovaries or whatever. calyx. but i also thought thats proably just the way they grow because why would there be only one little female ovarie by itself there is lots to one bud.... would sure love an expert view
willthis work. good luck