War crimes in Gaza?

Will Israel be convicted of war crimes?

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Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Jew mad bro?

LOL look in your own backyard before criticizing another nation. I take it from your utter lack of knowledge on the subject you believe Arab Israelis enjoy the same rights as their Jewish counterparts?
another snide allusion to my alleged jewishness and thus i must be suspect. cuz jews are so sneaky...

israelis who are arabs, christians, moslems, druze, etc etc etc are afforded all the rights of any jewish israeli.

only those persons living in the OCCUPIED TERRITORIES suffer from the "apartheid you lefties keep claiming, but a MILITARY OCCUPATION is not a civil rights cause.

the pallies are NOT israelis, they dont want to be israelis, and they have no israeli civil rights, just like illegal aliens arent citizens in america, dont get to vote (supposedly) cant get govt jobs (supposedly) and cant legally work, own property get a drivers license or social services (supposedly)

arabs moselms and all manner of Non-Jews who are citizens of israel are FULL CITIZENS


Well-Known Member
Israel has one of the strongest lobbies in America, Netanyahu could literally shoot a Palestinian civilian in the head on live TV and have it broadcast all over the world and he still wouldn't be charged with war crimes

So, yes they have committed war crimes (as well as Hamas), but they'll never be prosecuted for it, not in a million fuckin years
Then, there were no war crimes, just a bunch of World Zombie Facist Youts, with the crybaby emotions, as usual. Victors say what are the crimes, not the losers.

The world is quite accustomed to crybabies.


Well-Known Member
another snide allusion to my alleged jewishness and thus i must be suspect. cuz jews are so sneaky...

israelis who are arabs, christians, moslems, druze, etc etc etc are afforded all the rights of any jewish israeli.
LOL http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/humanrightsreport/index.htm?year=2013&dlid=220356#wrapper
The most significant human rights problems during the year were terrorist attacks against civilians; institutional and societal discrimination against Arab citizens, including the Bedouin, in particular in access to equal education and employment opportunities; societal discrimination against women; and the treatment of refugees, asylum seekers, and irregular migrants.

Other human rights problems included institutional and societal discrimination against non-Orthodox Jews and some minority religious groups, societal discrimination against persons with disabilities and Ethiopian Jews, and labor rights abuses against foreign workers.
only those persons living in the OCCUPIED TERRITORIES suffer from the "apartheid you lefties keep claiming, but a MILITARY OCCUPATION is not a civil rights cause.

the pallies are NOT israelis, they dont want to be israelis, and they have no israeli civil rights, just like illegal aliens arent citizens in america, dont get to vote (supposedly) cant get govt jobs (supposedly) and cant legally work, own property get a drivers license or social services (supposedly)

arabs moselms and all manner of Non-Jews who are citizens of israel are FULL CITIZENS
I wasn't asking about the occupied territories or about the issues the US faces domestically. Nice try though...


Well-Known Member
Then, there were no war crimes, just a bunch of World Zombie Facist Youts, with the crybaby emotions, as usual. Victors say what are the crimes, not the losers.

The world is quite accustomed to crybabies.
The IDF clearly came out on top as far as body count goes, so why are the Israelites still crying about how the fucking world doesn't understand us, or our situation. They won right? I think the world understands too well the situation in Palestine, which I reiterate WAS the name of that area until the Jews moved in and took over everything, including the maps. They might have won the latest battle, if you want to call that murder fest a battle, but the war is far from over. Time is running out on Israel, because the world is fucking sick of them, and their excuses. Wait until the PLO get's them into a world court, and then not even the US will get them of the hook. Embargo time is approaching, and you know what, it is in place already for a lot of people, myself included. But then again, I am genetically predisposed to hate Jews, is that what you think, Doer? I do hate some Jews, just as I hate a shit load of Republicans (none on this site, of course). But show me a member of the Likud, and I just want to spit, and not on the ground.
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Well-Known Member
Then, there were no war crimes, just a bunch of World Zombie Facist Youts, with the crybaby emotions, as usual. Victors say what are the crimes, not the losers.

The world is quite accustomed to crybabies.
You have a very strange delusion of what's right and wrong. I certainly wouldn't want to be your neighbor.


Well-Known Member
Instead of baby girl insults why don't you tell us how the winners of a conflict get tried for war crimes?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
LOL http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/humanrightsreport/index.htm?year=2013&dlid=220356#wrapper

I wasn't asking about the occupied territories or about the issues the US faces domestically. Nice try though...
non-responsive, irrelevant and politically motivated state dept bullshit doesnt represent israel's reality, it represents bwana obama's sympathy for the pallies and his acceptance of their doctrines.

israeli citizens (NOT gaza or west bank pallies) are not subject to discrimination any more than mormons or astrau are discriminated against in the US

citing illegal aliens to ILLUSTRATE that gaza and west bank pallies are NOT isrtaelis is not ""the issues the us faces" you dipshit

read that state dept horseshit more closely, you impossibly dense pile of pigshit, see if you can find what demonstrates it's bullshit. i know youre a dolt, so ill give you a hint:

"irregular migrants"

thats bwana obama talkin right there

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The IDF clearly came out on top as far as body count goes, so why are the Israelites still crying about how the fucking world doesn't understand us, or our situation. They won right? I think the world understands too well the situation in Palestine, which I reiterate WAS the name of that area until the Jews moved in and took over everything, including the maps. They might have won the latest battle, if you want to call that murder fest a battle, but the war is far from over. Time is running out on Israel, because the world is fucking sick of them, and their excuses. Wait until the PLO get's them into a world court, and then not even the US will get them of the hook. Embargo time is approaching, and you know what, it is in place already for a lot of people, myself included. But then again, I am genetically predisposed to hate Jews, is that what you think, Doer? I do hate some Jews, just as I hate a shit load of Republicans (none on this site, of course). But show me a member of the Likud, and I just want to spit, and not on the ground.
it was israel long before the romans renamed it in spite you utter moron.

the israelis want to prtect themselves from savage barbaric madmen who put bombs in retarded kids' backpacks, but assholes like you call them racist, apartheid, fascits, nazis, etc etc etc every time they try to stop the loons in gaza from lobbing rockets

YOU are the problem in the middle east you insufferable fool

as long as the pallies believe world opinion supports their cause they will still press their assaults

you and a few assholes like you (and helen thomas) are exacerbating the problem


Well-Known Member
YOU are the problem in the middle east you insufferable fool.
Right On, mo'fo!


Well-Known Member
Keynes, you, and your but buddy Doer are both avowed Zionists, therefore racist. Your prattle, that no one believes by the way anywhere on this planet, besides Israel or Williamsburg, is sad. Keep spewing your bullshit, while it does sound good, is irrelevant as to the facts on the ground in Israel. The whole country is based on Jewish law. Give me a fucking break, to make that statement that everything is equal in Israel. Tell that to an Israeli Arab that lives in East Jerusalem that wants to build a fucking house, thing are equal there right? Blow me, you fucking moron.
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Well-Known Member
Zionist is not a synonym for racist.

Go blow yourself.
I actually can blow myself, because my cock is so fucking long. I just wish I would have the opportunity to ram it 1st up Keynes ass, and then finish off by choking you with it. That would be fun.


Well-Known Member
Keynes, you, and your but buddy Doer are both avowed Zionists, therefore racist. Your prattle, that no one believes by the way anywhere on this planet, besides Israel or Williamsburg, is sad. Keep spewing your bullshit, while it does sound good, is irrelevant as to the facts on the ground in Israel. The whole country is based on Jewish law. Give me a fucking break, to make that statement that everything is equal in Israel. Tell that to an Israeli Arab that lives in East Jerusalem that wants to build a fucking house, thing are equal there right? Blow me, you fucking moron.
So when bush and ehud olmert were in Annapolis accords and they idea of dividing Jerusalem was brought up, why did so many Arabs start building inside Israel (land that would remain in israel)? Look at French hill by Hebrew U and tell me Arabs can't build houses. They might play the game of telling the media how bad.Israel is but when push came to shove they moved and built so they would remain Israeli citizens and not under PA control.

That is a fact.


Well-Known Member
So when bush and ehud olmert were in Annapolis accords and they idea of dividing Jerusalem was brought up, why did so many Arabs start building inside Israel (land that would remain in israel)? Look at French hill by Hebrew U and tell me Arabs can't build houses. They might play the game of telling the media how bad.Israel is but when push came to shove they moved and built so they would remain Israeli citizens and not under PA control.

That is a fact.
Maybe, just a thought, but could it be a possibility that the French Hills are just another form of apartheid, in that it is the only place allowed for the Arab living in Israel around Jerusalem to build a home. I mean, every nation has, or needs niggers, to build, to wash, to be a fucking servant. I'm pretty sure that is what an Arab that lives in Israel feels like


Well-Known Member
another snide allusion to my alleged jewishness and thus i must be suspect. cuz jews are so sneaky...

israelis who are arabs, christians, moslems, druze, etc etc etc are afforded all the rights of any jewish israeli.

only those persons living in the OCCUPIED TERRITORIES suffer from the "apartheid you lefties keep claiming, but a MILITARY OCCUPATION is not a civil rights cause.

the pallies are NOT israelis, they dont want to be israelis, and they have no israeli civil rights, just like illegal aliens arent citizens in america, dont get to vote (supposedly) cant get govt jobs (supposedly) and cant legally work, own property get a drivers license or social services (supposedly)

arabs moselms and all manner of Non-Jews who are citizens of israel are FULL CITIZENS
"Alleged Jewishness", if you are not actually a Jew, you should convert to that wonderful religion. If you are Jewish, and you feel the same way, no problem, that is the norm. If not, you really should have converted by now. Oh, but that would simply make you a convert, and unless your mother was a Jew, you would still not be a Jew. Is that not correct? In reality, in Israel, there are confrontations everyday as to the burdens placed on non-secular Jews, because of the penalties imposed on them for trying to live a non-secular way of life. Go ahead you genius, in your enlightened little, big, fucking whatever brain that you have. Explain away, YOUR rational as to why the Palestinians living in Israel never had it so good. I am curbing my fingers right now, so go ahead, and give me an opportunity to make you sound like, ah, what to call you now? All the standards are wearing thin. Sweetie Pie? Or is it shit for brains?