War crimes in Gaza?

Will Israel be convicted of war crimes?

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Well-Known Member
Maybe, just a thought, but could it be a possibility that the French Hills are just another form of apartheid, in that it is the only place allowed for the Arab living in Israel around Jerusalem to build a home. I mean, every nation has, or needs niggers, to build, to wash, to be a fucking servant. I'm pretty sure that is what an Arab that lives in Israel feels like
What about Abu tor, wadi al-joz, mount of olives, etc?

What about the entire Galilee?

All of.East Jerusalem?

And it is.French Hill ( no "s").

If you hated Israel so.much why would you move to.retain citizenship? It has been such a.privilege watching Arabs get along with each other the past few.years in Syria and Iraq, Libiya, Egypt
....... it actually surprises me that Israel doesn't welcome them all into the country.


Well-Known Member
state dept bullshit doesnt represent israel's reality, it represents bwana obama's sympathy for the pallies and his acceptance of their doctrines.
Oh btw dickhead, Obama has provided more support militarily and financially to Israel than any other president to date so there's another turd from our resident AIPAC lobbyist.



Please continue with your long winded paragraphs of garbage, filled with the racist and factually voided turds we've come to accept from your small bigoted mind.


Well-Known Member
War crime is an oxymoron while the conflict continues. No one is trying anyone in Esselle for beheading journalists, right now. We have to catch them first.

But, we ended up hanging over 900 Japanese Officers for dispatching our guys, cleanly with their very sharp Samurai sword.

But, Esselle doesn't use a sharp sword, do they? They use, just a knife and 3 guys to hold your body, and 1 guy to saw your head off, rather cruelly.


Well-Known Member
We should return the favor, I beleive if ISIL heads start getting chopped the rest of the boys will start thinking about their own necks. And if not, then we should gladly appease them.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Keynes, you, and your but buddy Doer are both avowed Zionists, therefore racist. Your prattle, that no one believes by the way anywhere on this planet, besides Israel or Williamsburg, is sad. Keep spewing your bullshit, while it does sound good, is irrelevant as to the facts on the ground in Israel. The whole country is based on Jewish law. Give me a fucking break, to make that statement that everything is equal in Israel. Tell that to an Israeli Arab that lives in East Jerusalem that wants to build a fucking house, thing are equal there right? Blow me, you fucking moron.
1: your hatred and suspicion of jews and your refusal to accept that a jew can be right demonstrates that your "anti-zionism" is code for "Hitler should have been more efficient!"
2: so "Palestine was NOT renamed in spite by the romans after the third jewish revolt? wow then i guess the history book and the romans themselves got it all wrong!
3: east jerusalem is an OCCUPIED TERRITORY, and the arabs there have no rights to build shit as a result.

the A-Rabs stole the land in the first place then largely abandoned it when it became a wasteland thanks to their mismanagement, and now that the jews are fixing the place up again, suddenly theres millions of arabs calling themselves "palestinians" who want to invoke their sacred "Takebacks" rights on the land they sold.

the Hope-Simpson commission and the Peel commission firmly established that almost all of the "ancient ancestral rights" claims and "land stealing" claims were utter bullshit.

i have no interest in explaining 2000 years of history for you, and you wouldnt be able to understand it anyhow, but there are no such thing as "palestinians" and there never were.


Well-Known Member
1: your hatred and suspicion of jews and your refusal to accept that a jew can be right demonstrates that your "anti-zionism" is code for "Hitler should have been more efficient!"
2: so "Palestine was NOT renamed in spite by the romans after the third jewish revolt? wow then i guess the history book and the romans themselves got it all wrong!
3: east jerusalem is an OCCUPIED TERRITORY, and the arabs there have no rights to build shit as a result.

the A-Rabs stole the land in the first place then largely abandoned it when it became a wasteland thanks to their mismanagement, and now that the jews are fixing the place up again, suddenly theres millions of arabs calling themselves "palestinians" who want to invoke their sacred "Takebacks" rights on the land they sold.

the Hope-Simpson commission and the Peel commission firmly established that almost all of the "ancient ancestral rights" claims and "land stealing" claims were utter bullshit.

i have no interest in explaining 2000 years of history for you, and you wouldnt be able to understand it anyhow, but there are no such thing as "palestinians" and there never were.

"Dont be stupid, there's no such thing as Americans and never was".

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Oh btw dickhead, Obama has provided more support militarily and financially to Israel than any other president to date so there's another turd from our resident AIPAC lobbyist.



Please continue with your long winded paragraphs of garbage, filled with the racist and factually voided turds we've come to accept from your small bigoted mind.
i was unaware the FIVE LINES was a "long winded paragraph" you sad little twit, and bwana obama gives money to israel to please the jewish lobbies in the US, but makes speeches and enacts positions tyhat make clear to the rest of the world that he doesnt like israel, would love to see the pallies victorious in their "struggle" to free their "homeland" from the "occupation" which means driving all the jews into the sea and "restoring" the anciant culture of "palestine" as they envision it:

part of the ancient and noble land of Jordan (invented by the brits in '46 as a prize awarded to the husseins, just as the ancient land of "saudi arabis" was given to the sauds)
long rich history stretching back to abraham (but still no jews involved)
full of art history and culture (none of it involving jews)
a land with rich agricultural resources (none of which was created by the jews...)
a land which has always been full of endless possibilities, and was never denuded, turned into a desert and then abandoned by the arabs, leaving only a few penniless tenant farmers.

pallies live in a fantasy world.


Well-Known Member
That is right, Harkonnen. Until us Sovereigns rebelled there was no such thing as Freedom and still there is not completely, even here.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

"Dont be stupid, there's no such thing as Americans and never was".
when the brits promised all of the former ottoman provice (and former roman province) of "palestine" to the jews to create their new/old homeland, there were no "palestinians", just a few tennant farmers who DID NOT OWN THE LAND THEY LIVED ON

almost all of the levant was owned by the ottoman crown (and thus became british crown property) the remainder was onwed by abserntee landlords who gleefully sold their worthless wastyeland property to various jews and jewish organizations at wildly inflated prices.

the tennants on that land (which today have invented for themselves the title of "palestinian" had exactly as much right to the land as you do when the owner of your rental home decides to sell the house: NONE

when the new owners showed up ready to move into their new digs, they found it was full of squatters who had flooded in, set up rude huts and tents and invented a rich back-story of ancient land rights to try and get the jews to buy them out. the VERY FEW actual displaced peasant tenant farmers went back to their home villages in egypt and across the river in what became Jordan


Well-Known Member
Keynes, you, and your but buddy Doer are both avowed Zionists, therefore racist. Your prattle, that no one believes by the way anywhere on this planet, besides Israel or Williamsburg, is sad. Keep spewing your bullshit, while it does sound good, is irrelevant as to the facts on the ground in Israel. The whole country is based on Jewish law. Give me a fucking break, to make that statement that everything is equal in Israel. Tell that to an Israeli Arab that lives in East Jerusalem that wants to build a fucking house, thing are equal there right? Blow me, you fucking moron.
It is very interesting how you swerve into homophobia when challenged.

I can't build a house just anywhere I want. And where that Israeli wants to build, they let no Israeli build there.

The entire country is based on Parliament and a Supreme Court.

There are Arabs on the SC and make up 20% of the Parliament.

Jim, you spew for HAMAS. Good Job, you should join up and fight Zion.

And while I support the State of Israel that does not make me a Zionist. And Zionist is not a bad word. It is silly to call names, etc.
Hey guys just sharing my thoughts here.

Okay so lets start off with Israeli Defense Force's bombings or air strikes on civilian targets because of military equipment being stored there. Personally I feel that Israel took appropriate measures to protect the civilian populous from their strikes. However, I do acknowledge the moral disagreement to this complex ethical debate. Hamas is responsible for the damaged property, bombed civilians, and ruined families. If Hamas's intentions were truly to free Palestine from Israel for the good of the people, they would not have used civilian homes, facilities, and property for military purpose if it endangered the lives of the people they were trying to "liberate". However, Israel is also at fault. The oppressive nature of Israeli's "anti-terror" operations and domestic policy has caused a civil rights out rage mainly because of how it targets anyone of middle eastern or come from any Islamic country. The cause of the Palestinian people is completely legitimate, but Hamas does not truly reflect the opinion and values of the average Palestinian.


Well-Known Member
I like all of that except the moral equivalence BS

There is no such thing as a Palestinian and there never was.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
non-responsive, irrelevant and politically motivated state dept bullshit doesnt represent israel's reality, it represents bwana obama's sympathy for the pallies and his acceptance of their doctrines.

israeli citizens (NOT gaza or west bank pallies) are not subject to discrimination any more than mormons or astrau are discriminated against in the US

citing illegal aliens to ILLUSTRATE that gaza and west bank pallies are NOT isrtaelis is not ""the issues the us faces" you dipshit

read that state dept horseshit more closely, you impossibly dense pile of pigshit, see if you can find what demonstrates it's bullshit. i know youre a dolt, so ill give you a hint:

"irregular migrants"

thats bwana obama talkin right there
citation on obama quote, doctor.