War on Corporate

that damn greedy federal government, sending me checks when i was unemployed and sending people money to eat when they are starving.

don't even get me started with those checks they send out after i send them my 1040.

you cant help some people they want to be slaves
"There are none so enslaved as those who think they are free when they are not."

More hot button "slavery" talk. Gee, None of my family has ever been sold, none have been whipped or beaten, none forced into the field on threat of reduced food. I have been able to go where ever I wished when ever I wished for as long as I wished. I have a home that is mine and I sold another to get this one. I can have any amount of food, I married whom I wished, I have quit jobs and taken others. I have called in sick to those jobs and nothing bad ever happened to me. If you don't like the "slavery" of having to put up a portion of your labor for the common good (even if some of it is wasted or misallocated according to you) then consider moving to a place where you are on your own and don't have to pay much at all. I'm sure you will like that "freedom" more.
More hot button "slavery" talk. Gee, None of my family has ever been sold, none have been whipped or beaten, none forced into the field on threat of reduced food. I have been able to go where ever I wished when ever I wished for as long as I wished. I have a home that is mine and I sold another to get this one. I can have any amount of food, I married whom I wished, I have quit jobs and taken others. I have called in sick to those jobs and nothing bad ever happened to me. If you don't like the "slavery" of having to put up a portion of your labor for the common good (even if some of it is wasted or misallocated according to you) then consider moving to a place where you are on your own and don't have to pay much at all. I'm sure you will like that "freedom" more.

Hello canndo. I think we might disagree a bit.

Go wherever you want to ? Are you okay with Airport frisking ? "Border patrol" now miles inland of any border, proposals for national i.d. etc. ?

A home that is yours? Are you free to cease being extorted via property taxes for "services" you do not use or want ?

You married who you wanted ? Good for you. Did government give you permission first via a "license" ?

Yes you have quit jobs....but everyone of them probably involved a large portion of your earnings being taken from you whether you wanted it to happen or not.

The common good cannot be achieved through a system that has violence at the core. Violence and the application of force is the business model of government. Voluntary and consensual interactions are the hallmark of a free society.

So because a person wants "freedom" they should be forced to leave a geographical area ?
that damn greedy federal government, sending me checks when i was unemployed and sending people money to eat when they are starving.

don't even get me started with those checks they send out after i send them my 1040. how dare they!
The government didn't give you that money, all the people who are paying taxes did. The check they send you after you do your taxes is their thanks to you for lending them that money interest free all year long. Claim 8 on your W-4 and pay no income tax, use that money to speculate on something that will be more valuable come April and use the money you made to pay the IRS and keep the leftover as profit. Its an interest free loan, why not take advantage?

Example, i should have paid $9000 in taxes a couple years ago, instead I bought a thousand ounces of Silver, by that same time next year, silver had gained $6 per ounce. I wrote a check to the IRS for $9k and kept the other $6k for myself and don't have to show the gains on that little deal since I bought all sovereign bullion coins so I won't have to pay taxes on the gains either. I also didn't pay any tax on the purchase of silver since the fed govt is prohibited from taxing gold and silver. My state also charges no tax on the sale of PM's.

Basically I got a 0% loan from government, made a 75% profit and never had to pay any kind of a tax on it. Pretty sweet deal. The best part? 100% legal.
Tax money is supposed to be for programs that are for the benefit of the people, not to enrich the rich and further impoverish the poor. When they quit taking my tax money while cutting SS and Medicare, and start to do something for the people, I'll gladly pay my taxes. Fix our deplorable infrastructure rather than squander the money fighting an unwinnable battle, Spend money securing our borders rather than securing freedom for other foreign nations, help the poor and homeless here in our own country rather than eliminate hunger and civil rights abuse in other countries,THEN I'll gladly pay. Until then, they'll struggle for every cent they can get from me.