Wardrobe Box Grow

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Unfortunate man. I wish I would of read all of it. Anyways best of luck to you and to finding a new place. I can't wait for your next go at it. Thanks again and keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
Hey BG, yeah, there's a lot of reading to do in this thread. In case you hadn't notice, I tend to provide more info than is probly necessary...and sometimes just ramble on without purpose, lol. Especially with my own journal...I tend to treat it like a diary, and often end up putting down whatever pops into my head at the moment (probly doesn't help that I'm usually baked when I'm on this site, either). I guess i should work on being more succinct in the future. I hope at least some folks who are looking for actual growing info or ideas can find a few here amidst the miscellaneous opinions, observations and general musings :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Very impressive yield for using 3 42 watters. I'll have to wait 3 or 4 weeks for a final yield number, but it will be interesting to compare. I'm running 16 42 watt bulbs on two plants that were vegged for 34 days. A Pineapple Express and a Kandy Kush.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was surprised by the yield myself. One of them (Sweet Tai) yielded 22g dried and cured...but the smallest one (an Early Widow, vegged for less than a week) only produced 8g. I do think the cheap home depot reflectors help...without the shelf in there (for the humidifier, which I don't think was really necessary after all), four cfls with reflectors would provide pretty darn good coverage of the entire canopy for this 24" x 21" area. If I were to build it again, I'd leave out the humidifier, add another CFL and probly put a screen in there for a scrog-type grow (max four plants...and more likely two bigger ones). The CFLs are great for the canopy, but really don't penetrate very far down. I used the reflectors because it seemed to me that quite a bit of light is wasted with the bare CFL bulbs...while the reflectors send some of those lumens in the right direction at least.

However, I do suspect that the reflectors can easily shorten the life of CFLs, too, so there is a tradeoff. I only lost one for this first CFL grow, but I wouldn't think that the others would be too far behind. If I continue using CFLs later on, I'd probly keep at least four spares around and plan on having to replace all four for each new cycle. Might not need to, but even 40 bucks or so would be a worthwhile investment for producing several zips of bud.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Hey BG, yeah, there's a lot of reading to do in this thread. In case you hadn't notice, I tend to provide more info than is probly necessary...and sometimes just ramble on without purpose, lol. Especially with my own journal...I tend to treat it like a diary, and often end up putting down whatever pops into my head at the moment (probly doesn't help that I'm usually baked when I'm on this site, either). I guess i should work on being more succinct in the future. I hope at least some folks who are looking for actual growing info or ideas can find a few here amidst the miscellaneous opinions, observations and general musings :mrgreen:
Hey X! I am actually glad that you are so thorough. It helps because you pretty much answer any question I would of had for you. lol :) It doesn't help being baked and on here as I seem to spend all my free time on here now ( other then that with my baby). I feel like I'm going crazy today though. Haven't smoked all day, since I want to feel extra stoned tomorrow for the holiday! Haven't done this in almost 4 years. Ha ha Anyways thanks for all your help. I kinda just did a mini update since I have been extremely bored all day. Go and check it out man. she is taking that LST quite nicely


can't wait for a new journal X, very impressive yield for the lights and your setup was super clever with those boxes

Yeah Right

Active Member
I'm impressed. And thanks for following what I've got going on. My second grow is going MUCH better than my first. I think I'm going to reevaluate my situation for a flowering chamber.


Well-Known Member
I'm impressed. And thanks for following what I've got going on. My second grow is going MUCH better than my first. I think I'm going to reevaluate my situation for a flowering chamber.
Yeah, we stoners are always tinkering with our setups, it seems. It's half the fun, imo :mrgreen:

Yeah Right

Active Member
And most of us learn a bit while doing this. For me, it's partially about getting more with less. My goal is basically one ounce of cured bud a month. It's evolving slowly into a perpetual deal. And within that, there are several approaches I've looked at. Yours is simple and cost effective. You've got a few more grows under your belt which contributes to the killer yield. I really dig the fact that lots of people here are willing to help.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was thinking pretty much the same thing for a good personal setup...perpetual, and about an ounce/month (which is just about how much I consume). I never really got the timing down with this last one, so I ended up just planning a back-to-back kinda thing, shooting for 3 oz per "cycle." I suspect a true perpetual grow would be easier once you know something about the strain you're growing. Mine took much longer to flower than I planned...and as a result, the "next round" of plants were vegged for longer than they should have been. Live and learn, I guess.

Yeah Right

Active Member
I'm guessing I'll be over the 3oz total on this grow simply due to veg time. I'm hoping that with these 3 strains I can get something down. I've got a cabinet set aside to turn into a clone veg box. I've got a couple old PCs that at least power up and run fans. Enough CFLs and reflectors to run both of those chambers. The part that's killing me is just over thinking which light to get, lol. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with a 250w CMH. Then we decide to keep flowering in the closet or do we buy a tent or enlist the help of a carpenter that likes to blaze once in a while. Luckily, most of the research has been done for me. I'm just reading and making sure I spend my money right. Two boxes like yours would do the same thing, if I got growing smaller plants figured out. Did I mention I ramble when stoned?


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do, YR, I would recommend more height than what I have with the wardrobe box. Four feet or usable height might be okay, but this box actually has slightly less than three feet after accounting for lights and the upper and lower chambers. I designed it for just keeping mothers, never intending to use it for flowering. It worked okay, but really limits what I can do with bigger plants. Give yourself enough height to do almost any style, then as long as your light fixture is adjustable you can keep it lower for scrogs or short bushes or raise it up for a strain that might want to grow taller. Especially if you're thinking about a more permanent setup, you'll want many options available to you. I've always liked closets for growing, so if I were to design a permanent cab, I'd give myself six feet at least...but I know what ya mean, it's easy to ponder all the possibilities and trying to predict how you'll be growing in the future is tough. I do like the potential of the 250w CMH...from what I've read about CMH it's the shit, and I actually bought a 250w CMH bulb not too long ago and I intend to try out when I can make myself a good space. It'll work in my 250w hps fixture, and I believe that'll be more than enough for my personal herb needs. And, I agree, with that 250w CMH you can easily get more than 3 oz this time around.

I'd actually like to start producing more like 4-5 oz per run, just to be able to build up a little stash....seems like I always only have just enough from my last run to get me through the next. Funny how that works, but it's really true...I don't have any bud left from my previous grows, and sometimes I wish I'd produced a little more to save for whenever I'd like a change of pace or just to revisit some prior strains. Would love to smoke a little Flo or white widow from a few years back, but it's long gone.

Yeah Right

Active Member
I've 7 feet in my basement. And probably 8 in the closet I'm in now if I took the shelf out. There's a really cool area that's kinda hard to explain. It's above the stairs going into my basement. So it's a shelf area about 4 feet up. It's probably got a 3.5 foot ceiling. I've got nutes and such sitting there now. The closet has a ton of ghetto appeal as it also vents into the attic. A 250w won't put out the heat to attract attention. The attic is an easy out for exhausting the carbon filter. But then the basement offer venting into the dryer ductwork. Hmmmmm. And 4-5 oz is a good achievable target to work for. No need to be greedy, I prefer to be karma's friend. I gotta go, to many typos, lol


Active Member
hey man, love the wardrobe box setup! +rep. i'm using a "shorty wardrobe", only 34" in height for two plants, almost 2 weeks into 12/12. if you're still battling odor, i might recommend a true air filter. it's a plug-in thing with carbon filter and fan, not super powerful, but might be able to help you mask the smell. they have it on sale for $15 at target right now.
Has anyone used the "True Carbon Filter"? For a small inexpensive UHAUL Wardrobe grow, will that & ONA Gel be a safe alternative than the expensive setups for just 1 plant?