WArm Spectrum Metal Halide?


Active Member
I have an MH bulb from Apollo its 400w but with a 4000k spectrum. Is this a more "warm" spectrum MH bulb? Thanks

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Why do you want a warm spectrum MH? MH are best for vegging bc they have a nice blue spectrum or "cool spectrum" which simulates spring. Late summer and fall is simulated by warm spectrum. Most people use an HPS bulb when they want to switch to warm spectrum for flowering.

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Well-Known Member
6500K is considered a typical MH rating. Some are lower and some are higher. When you buy a CFL, much of the time they will be labeled "daylight" at this rating. HPS is typically rated around 2000K. A rating of 4000K would be "warmer" than a bulb rated 6500K.


Active Member
Most metal halides are actually around 4000k, the only Metal Halide I have seen in the 6500k spectrum is the Eye Hortilux Blue Metal Halide.


Well-Known Member
Lol funny. All my past experience with mh lighting was for my reef aquriums when i was in that hobby $$$$$. We used 10,000k, 14,000k and my favorite 20,000k DE and SE 250w and 400w. Now 20,000k mh is very blue, even to the eye. 6500k mh bulbs are use for large fresh water planted aquriums and i always thought they looked very yellow/orange. I wonder how a 400w DE 6500k mh would do for veg or full cycle on a small grow, hummm.


Active Member
Not familiar with Aquarium lighting, but always willing to learn. The Eye Hortilux 6500k MH is "Blue" or looks bluish in color. You can flower with it but not recommended. Some strains of Sativas take 16-20 weeks for flower, Cool spectrum MH is used for that so the plant does not outgrow the growroom. Resin production is off the chain though, apparently.


Well-Known Member
Most metal halides are actually around 4000k, the only Metal Halide I have seen in the 6500k spectrum is the Eye Hortilux Blue Metal Halide.
I purchased a 7200k mh bulb. Man it looks like one of those blue hid car bulbs that stick out from a mile away. Can't say the plants vegging favor it anymore than a 4000k, they normally thrive under. I threw it in with my 1000watt hps to vary the spectrum instead.