Warm temperature with high humidity growing space.


I am first timer and the average temperature around the year is about 28-30 degree Celsius. that is about 82-87 degree Fahrenheit.

The humidity is high. Ranging within 70 to 90% from month to month throughout the year.

Is it a good environment for them to grow? So far, the 1 week-old babies are growing well under the 150W metal halide floodlight. But, will they be able to survive later when they grow more?

I have a fan for ventilation of the growing space and when it's really warm, i turn on the a/c but not for long.

Need some feedback.
Puff puff, bye.


Well-Known Member
If you have the money, get you a cap air 2 and plug ur ac into it. The temp needs to be no higher than 78 faren. And during veg, humidity can be as high as 75%. But in flower mode, that humid. Nees to be way lower, like 35-45 tops. Get you a dehunidifier for flower and keep those temps down. Better a lil cool than a lil hott


Well-Known Member
temps will be ok.don't know about the humidity .I'm at the other end Lucky to see 30%. We will see temps well over 100f. I just keep lots of air moving and light at night off in the day.you might also fab a cool tube so you keep most all the heat from the lamp out of your grow area. what part of the wold you in?


Shotty, not planning to spend so much money now. But will surely get the dehumidifier when it's flowering time.

Stumps, i am on the other side of the world. South east-asia. I hope 90 F is ok. The seed is from bagseed and it's from Thailand, sativa strain.

Puff puff, bye.