Warming the grow room safely?


Active Member
Hey Y'all!

I got my 600w light in the mail yesterday and my panda film too! Pulled the light out and the wife said it looks like something that fell off the Enterprise! Gonna line the room and hang the cooltube today. Now I control the sun!!! Mwua-ha-ha-ha......

A couple questions;

1. My room is a 4x4 insulated closet in an outbuilding. Even so, it is getting rather cold. What are some effective and safe ways of heating the room enough to keep my girls safe through the long winter nights? Dare I put a small space heater in there, or is that going to be overkill in such a confined space? I am concerned about safety and discretion as well. Any ideas on keeping your grow room warm during the winter dark periods?


Well-Known Member
you could change your light cycle to run at night when it is coldest, or get a small space heater..i think im gonna get a space heater..


Well-Known Member
Be careful with electric heaters. Don't place them on or near anything flammable. Use one with a thermostat, and extension cords are normally not a good idea with them.
If you live in a cold region like I do, you will hear about way to many house fires from electric heaters. Be safe!


Well-Known Member
I've got a small space heater set to low in my Mother's Keeper grow tent, which is smaller than your room. I've got it thermostatically controlled to keep the room around 78F during the day and 68F at night. I have it hanging from the top of the tent, so it is not actually touching anything.

I also have the exhaust fan for my vented hood (holding a 400W CMH) thermostatically controlled. The exhaust fan doesn't even turn on until the room hits 79F. Consider doing the same. Why exhaust heat from the light if you need it to warm the room?

And like the others said, run your lights during the coldest part of the grow. Just realize that your relative humidity will be very low with the heater and cold months. I'm around 35% right now.


Active Member
Hey Schmarmpit (awesome name!)

How do you apply thermostatic control? I am sure there are some devices that do that, but what are you using, and how to you tie it into your exhaust system?

I like the hanging the heater idea, I'm gonna look into that


Active Member
I placed an Iron nex to the Intake of my micro grow box and it helped to raise temps to 25C at first I was careful so it wouldn't touch it but now it is touching and no prob, but my box is much smaller than yours so just put something hot next to the intake, or there are heaters that blow hot air you could put that instead of an intake fan