Warning: not a safe zone, no PC allowed

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
I have something to say. fuck political correctness, how bout some fucking social standards, bunch of bottom of the barrel shit bags who talk and act like bottom of the barrel shit bags, grow the fuck up get a real job make some fucking cash. as your class level changes from poor old fuckity shit bag to middle class fuckity shit bag to upper middle class fuckity shit bag so will your social standards and yes you wear a fucking suit to work if you work in an office and contribute to society like a world class shit bag and stop acting like a poor ass bottom of the barrel shit bag. it's time to hang up the concert t shirts shit bags and put on your grown up panties.

And pickle butts, who the fuck eats pickle butts? if I owned a pickle company I'd fucking cut the fucking pickle butts off before jarring them up no one wants to eat the fucking pickle buttsď
Pickle butts are the best part you piece of shit. I would draw my sword on you in the street. Pickle butts forever.

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Why do you assume that?

I dunno, unless you're gay and more into hair and makeup?
Being gay does not exclude someone from liking tits and ass...gender and sexual attraction is a spectrum, you could be into dicks in your butt and still get aroused by a set of tits.

If you're an intellectual tits and ass cannot be appreciated as just tits and ass because you understand them as bits of anatomy attached to a person. So you could enjoy the intimacy of a partner as an intellectual...but not a set of tits and ass.

Firing off big ass guns...now I can say this because this is a no PC zone... intellectuals don't enjoy guns. They understand the consequences of the use of weaponry, the consequences that comes with its existence, these things lead to them not looking at big ass guns as a source of pleasure or entertainment. And it's such a simple task with minimal outcome, it's usually not engaging enough for intellectuals. I will grant you some exceptions for military grade weaponry. We would all shoot a rocket from a tank if given the chance.

Now liquor is a tough one. Because a lot of intellectuals do love liquor. However... intellectuals that love liquor are the ones that are intelligent enough to see and understand how pointless and miserable life is...They drink so they won't be intellectuals anymore... liquor is their way to dumb temselves down so they can find enjoyment in the things that they are too smart to find pleasure in. Things like tits, ass, liquor, and firing off big ass guns.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Being gay does not exclude someone from liking tits and ass...gender and sexual attraction is a spectrum, you could be into dicks in your butt and still get aroused by a set of tits.

If you're an intellectual tits and ass cannot be appreciated as just tits and ass because you understand them as bits of anatomy attached to a person. So you could enjoy the intimacy of a partner as an intellectual...but not a set of tits and ass.

Firing off big ass guns...now I can say this because this is a no PC zone... intellectuals don't enjoy guns. They understand the consequences of the use of weaponry, the consequences that comes with its existence, these things lead to them not looking at big ass guns as a source of pleasure or entertainment. And it's such a simple task with minimal outcome, it's usually not engaging enough for intellectuals. I will grant you some exceptions for military grade weaponry. We would all shoot a rocket from a tank if given the chance.

Now liquor is a tough one. Because a lot of intellectuals do love liquor. However... intellectuals that love liquor are the ones that are intelligent enough to see and understand how pointless and miserable life is...They drink so they won't be intellectuals anymore... liquor is their way to dumb temselves down so they can find enjoyment in the things that they are too smart to find pleasure in. Things like tits, ass, liquor, and firing off big ass guns.
What is your definition of "intellectual"?
Hopefully, being a pompous ass is not a requirement...