WARNING!!! So Combative and Rude....

Musical Suicide

New Member
It came as a surprise how combative and rude people are here. Even Admin's. I was told this site was pretty lame by a few people, but I wanted to try it out. There has been some good post's and lots of pictures to learn from. I have also made some good connections already. But It seems that there is too many middle aged argumentative control freaks on here, that just dont know how to mind there own business, and answer questions that are put forth to them in simplistic terms. Now, FDD, some rude moderater wanted to take sides in a political argument between someone else and I, and Actually start Threating me, Cusing at me and harrasing me. Just want everyone to know that This site does have some very rude people running it. I would hope to hear from an admin to say that they do not let their fellow worker harrass people on here just cause they are bored and got picked on as kids. As for the memebers being rude, that just comes with a website. You always have those people who are just rude, and instead of having a constructive conversation, they just throw out insults, bending what was told to them, and twisting the truth.

This is not to bitch about them, only to warn other memebers about this site. Take the rude people in stride, cause the People in charge do not help, only punish. And know that your not the fisrt, nor the 10th person to be persercuted for beliving in something other than the "NORM".

~In a world where freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free.

Musical Suicide

New Member
this was after i was being harrassed, personally, on an anarchism thread that I started. When I defended myself, i got a reprimand. Thus, for defending myself, I got punished... by what could very well be a "Nazish" authority... if you will.


Elite Rolling Society
People who are "policed" by the police, always say the police were or are rude.

People who are moderated by the MODs always say the Mods are rude.

But where would we be without the police? or without the MODs.

This site wuld be pandemoneum without the MODs and we are blessed with some good and fair Mods here too.
No one likes to be Moderated, but it is necessary and needed to protect us all.

I hate getting a speeding ticket, but I am gald no one else drives as fast as me.

And I can tell you about a grow site where there are 15 NAZI Mods for every member there. Really sucks there.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there's a lotta crap here, but if you're serious about growing, the answer has been posted on RIU.
That's life.


this was after i was being harrassed, personally, on an anarchism thread that I started. When I defended myself, i got a reprimand. Thus, for defending myself, I got punished... by what could very well be a "Nazish" authority... if you will.

i've been here a long time before i became a mod.... never had any problems, and i speak my mind.... if you were given an infraction, you more than likely deserved it... stop whining and go on with life... threads like this are a great way to open yourself up to a ban:-|

Musical Suicide

New Member
I know, I'm seriously done with the politic section. No one can just have a nice conversation... weather they agree or disagree. I just feel that the mod's should not get personally involved on one side of 2 people arguing, doesn't that make it a conflict of interest?? I really hate arguing, and the last week this site has really brought out the ugly in me, and I apologize for that.


I know, I'm seriously done with the politic section. No one can just have a nice conversation... weather they agree or disagree. I just feel that the mod's should not get personally involved on one side of 2 people arguing, doesn't that make it a conflict of interest?? I really hate arguing, and the last week this site has really brought out the ugly in me, and I apologize for that.

so you suggest we just let the arguing parties sort it out themselves??? you really dont know how far some people will take their little RIU arguments, and we dont need the forum/servers filled with all of that useless drama....


Well-Known Member
I know, I'm seriously done with the politic section. No one can just have a nice conversation... weather they agree or disagree. I just feel that the mod's should not get personally involved on one side of 2 people arguing, doesn't that make it a conflict of interest?? I really hate arguing, and the last week this site has really brought out the ugly in me, and I apologize for that.
You just need to learn how to debate without getting personal....When you get personal and names start being called, well Fdd will be there with an infraction, as he should be. There are ways to debate and getting your point across without name calling. Fear not little grasshopper, we have all been there.:peace:


Elite Rolling Society
I pretend the Politics and Religion-Spirituality threads are full of lepers, and I stay away from them. They are only hot spots for fights.

If we are going to argue, let's argue soil vs hydro
or CFLs vs HIDs.

Musical Suicide

New Member
after you offered to stroke my dick, from behind. :hump::hump::hump:
stroke your dick while fucking you in the ass.... I'm bi homeboy.. deal with it. This thread was to warn new members, but again, being the nazi's that you are, you wont let new memebers see this. You'll just sit here and bitch at me to stop bitching... it's funny when the master becomes the slave.


Well-Known Member
i myself have found the community here to be nice and willing to help. hope things work out for you here.. if not i wish you the best.