Warning to Santa Cruz County Patients....Granny Purps = moldy, mite infested clones.

it makes me sick to hear about these clubs that dont give an F about the patients, theres only 1 honest one in my part of CA, they have a 45$ cap on1/8s and thee sell hash and keif for like 6 dollars a gram..and then other places will sell you some buds for 60 1/8 that are sub par?? it just sucks too see that most of the people are just in it for the money

There is a serious risk involved with opening a dispensary. It also costs quite a bit of money to even open. People who do open a dispensary risk their freedom and all their money. To expect them to do so and operate as a charity is unrealistic. Without that profit motivation there would be about 2 dispensaries in the whole state.

I agree many dispensaries take it too far, are too greedy, and are an all around rip off. 60 an 1/8 is too much considering the price of a pound. The standard of what is "fair pricing" IMO is double the wholesale price of a pound. So $60 an 1/8 would come out to a wholesale price of $3840 per pound and I don't believe anyone pays that wholesale. But $50-55 an 1/8 is pretty justifiable as long as they are paying their vendors accordingly. Hash isn't even worth making at $6 a gram. I'm surprised anyone sells it at that price.

Expect dispensaries to be in it for the money. It is a business.

Also remember that 95% of people who walk into a dispensary don't really have a debilitating illness that requires charity. As long as the dispensary takes care of those other 5% I'm fine with them making money. "I want cheap top shelf hydro that's purple and tastes like blueberries" is not an actual medical condition. The difference between top shelf and mid/low shelf is generally cosmetic, not medical.

Every dispensary that I've ever been in has some bud available @ around $25 an 1/8. I'm unaware of any dispensary that only has $60 1/8ths. Sure, the $25 dollar 1/8s might not taste as good and the buds might be smaller, but it's just as effective as a medicine.
fuck guys...spray any and all clones when you first get them with mix of avid and eagle20....no mold no mites... 1 application your done
Criminals and thieves and Granny purps too. They do not pay their growers. President is an Ex Con registered sex offender. Poor product to boot.
A small amount of justice, JD Black (aka Jeffrey David Sudman) really deserves this and so much more.

Ironically he went on camera in the video piece from some staged break-in back in Feb
Interesting, he's using his wife's name now and I wonder if he's notified the Megan's Law website of his name change?
A small amount of justice, JD Black (aka Jeffrey David Sudman) really deserves this and so much more.

Ironically he went on camera in the video piece from some staged break-in back in Feb
Interesting, he's using his wife's name now and I wonder if he's notified the Megan's Law website of his name change?

The break in wasn't staged. That same crew also hit herbal cruz (3 times, and took a lot) and tried to hit kind people's and cookie co. Arrests were made.

And while I do not believe GP deserves to be open for business, the sheriff has no business raiding grows from legal cannabis businesses.
fuck guys...spray any and all clones when you first get them with mix of avid and eagle20....no mold no mites... 1 application your done
Problem with avid and eagle 20 is that at least eagle 20 is illegal in Cali and the environmental cost is huge. Use Green Cleaner and Serenade. Both are organic and work as well if not better than eagle 20.

They have been stealing medicine from their farmer vendors. A close friend was signed up as a vendor, fronted them medicine in exchange for a net 55 payment invoice and was never paid. They were lied to and intimidated when they tried to pursue it. After this happened we started asking around in the community and found many others they've done the same thing to.

Patients, if you buy from them your buying medicine that was stolen from small local farmers. These guys are serious thugs. Horrible, sketchy vibe. I cant believe they're still open.

Many people have tried to post their experiences getting stolen from by them on WeedMaps and they keep getting scrubbed.

if this happened to you post here. We are organizing and going to take them down. Check out my Soquel Santa Cruz Craigslist ad about this!

They are the worst kind of people in the medical cannabis industry.