WARNING! Toxic eBay grow tents! Check it out...


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up... A couple of months ago I purchased a white-lined grow tent from eBay. Ever since I started using the grow tent I have lost 4 plants and had tons of nute lockout problems (despite having the proper pH). I did some research and it turns out the PVC (from China... big shocker cosidering the toys they make usually have more lead than toy in them) that was used to line these tents was teated with a chemical to make the PVC flexible. This chemical is released when exposed to heat/HID lighting.
Once the outgasing of this chemical begins, it starts to effect your plants' ability to absorb nutes. Leaves turn yellow, tips of leaves look burnt (looks just like nute burn), and eventually the plant will die. I have noticed that some strains are more sensitive than others, but it does effect them ALL. I took my plants out of this tent a few days ago and they already look better.
DO NOT BUY ANY GROW TENT THAT HAS A WHITE LINING!!!! Sorry if this info is a repost, just wanted to let everyone know these poision tents are still being sold. Even if the product description states the PVC is non-toxic, its a lie! Get a mylar-lined tent only.