Warning : Very Gory Video Link


Well-Known Member
im sorry but why the fuck would you watch that in the first place. I had to stop it half way through because there is only so much gross shit like that I can take. Right around the part where the guy cut is fucking finger off is where I turned it off.



Too many brownies
im sorry but why the fuck would you watch that in the first place. I had to stop it half way through because there is only so much gross shit like that I can take. Right around the part where the guy cut is fucking finger off is where I turned it off.

the fact thats all voluntary and all of them like the pain so they dont take any painkillers is whats fucked up....


Well-Known Member
Whats really Fucked up is that NO GROW watches this stuff and knows how to find it on the web!


Master of Mayhem
Man I was laying in bed last night...almost asleep, and the image of that dude slicing his dick open like a hot dog popped into my head. I had to get up, smoke a cigarette and shake that shit off. I have been permanently scarred:neutral:


Too many brownies
Man I was laying in bed last night...almost asleep, and the image of that dude slicing his dick open like a hot dog popped into my head. I had to get up, smoke a cigarette and shake that shit off. I have been permanently scarred:neutral:


Master of Mayhem
The more I think about this shit the more questions I have. I mean....these people must get one hell of a thrill outta this shit.......think about it. You could only do something like slicing your dick open, or cutting your finger off one good time, then what? Now you're all hacked up, blood everywhere, and that's it? Now you have to wait for that shit to heal before doing it again right? And where do these people get treated at? You can't just walk into a hospital and be like "YEAH.......I sliced my cock open and now I need it stitched back up".....they would have your ass commited. Also, if you slice your cock open you obviousley can't fuck someone, or get a blowjob....so where is the thrill? It has to be some kind of sexual gratification to these people or else they wouldn't be doing it to their genitals....I just don't get it man:confused:


Well-Known Member
The more I think about this shit the more questions I have. I mean....these people must get one hell of a thrill outta this shit.......think about it. You could only do something like slicing your dick open, or cutting your finger off one good time, then what? Now you're all hacked up, blood everywhere, and that's it? Now you have to wait for that shit to heal before doing it again right? And where do these people get treated at? You can't just walk into a hospital and be like "YEAH.......I sliced my cock open and now I need it stitched back up".....they would have your ass commited. Also, if you slice your cock open you obviousley can't fuck someone, or get a blowjob....so where is the thrill? It has to be some kind of sexual gratification to these people or else they wouldn't be doing it to their genitals....I just don't get it man:confused:
your killing me...lmao !!!
