Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?

Just vote Republicans out and I'm good.

I don't think I can change anybody's mind and I don't even try. I am concerned about the fascist threat to our democracy. That is the greatest threat to the US right now is white supremacist fascist terrorists and their sociopath leader. Everything you object to is just chaff compared to that.

So, just vote Republicans out for now. They give plenty of reasons for doing so. Pick one. The tax cut to the wealthy, their assault on women's civil rights, their support for police brutality, especially against Black and brown people, their opposition to affordable health care for everybody, their religious bigotry, their hypocrisy in almost every action they take, the grift and corruption, not to mention the way they tolerate sexual predators in their midst as long as they only prey on women.

We can work on or personal differences later.
The immediate problem is the many appellate judges that man handpicked. If our President wants to take this head-on, it’s time to expand the bench for scotus.
let’s GIVE’m something to howl about!

But, Congress.
https://www.rawstory.com/joe-biden-kentucky/Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 7.26.46 AM.png
President Joe Biden visited hostile territory to survey last week's devastating tornado damage but found a largely hospitable response.

The president toured tornado devastation in western Kentucky, where voters backed Donald Trump by nearly a 4-to-1 margin last year and many still refuse to accept him as the rightful winner, but even those who protested his election were glad that he visited, reported the Washington Post.

“I didn’t vote for the president, and I’m not a fan of his policies,” said Clayton Howe, a 57-year-old lifelong resident of Mayfield, which was flattened in last week's storms. “But I appreciate him being here. He’s still the president of the United States.”

Biden won only two of Kentucky's 120 counties, where tattered Trump flags waved amid the ruined homes and businesses, and reporters heard a few shouts of "Let's go Brandon," a conservative in-group sluragainst the president, but even residents wearing "MAGA" hats were eager to meet with him.

“You can’t help but have compassion for our town,” said Gary Killian, a 55-year-old Trump supporter from Dawson Springs. “I just want to see into his eyes. I want to hear what he has to say, and I can’t say I don’t want to hear him just because I’m from the other side of the aisle.”

Tami Trevarthen, a 58-year-old who works at a deli market in Mayfield, agreed that Biden should visit but wondered whether he was "coherent," but said she'd be "cordial" if she met him.

“Let’s see what he can do for people," she said.

Her brother George Long, an Army veteran whose home was destroyed by the tornado, also had concerns about Biden's mental fitness and blamed him for rising gas prices and the ongoing pandemic, but said he'd "be diligent and courteous" if given a chance to meet him.

“I’d even call him president," he said. "Everything is too political.”

Tim Andreasen, however, didn't trust Biden to fix his problems, which includes a house with no roof, the destruction of the chicken hatchery where he'd worked, and taking care of two children and two parents.

READ: Rand Paul slammed for request for Kentucky tornado aid after history of denying help to other states

“He can shake my hand and say, ‘I’m here to help you,’ ” the disabled veteran said, “and it’ll go in one ear and out the other.”

I am curious how that goes and if it changes anyone's view. I do think biden has a good sense of empathy. At least a basic sense of human decency. Trump talked shit and threw paper towels.

My pessimism aside, it's a chance for biden to make inroads and try and change people's perception. Show them what not being an asshole is. Show them what being presidential is.
I am curious how that goes and if it changes anyone's view. I do think biden has a good sense of empathy. At least a basic sense of human decency. Trump talked shit and threw paper towels.

My pessimism aside, it's a chance for biden to make inroads and try and change people's perception. Show them what not being an asshole is. Show them what being presidential is.
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I was pretty impressed with how floored the officials in Kentucky were about the federal response so far. It really was nice to hear about how fast and efficient they have been so far. Disasters are only going to get worse going forward and it is important to have the best people appointed in the executive branch, it is so obvious with the Biden administration after the last 4 years what a difference it makes.
Disasters are only going to get worse going forward
republicans and magats are treating the quickly worsening weather events like something that happens all the time...there are several people on this site that refuse to admit that anything odd is going on with the weather at all...i wonder what they'll say when the coastline of the entire country is under water, temperatures rise, and drought takes hold across the plains....
Can't lie, I'm a bit grumpy I thought the cold snap we had for a week in October meant winter was coming. I could have gotten another round or two of peppers and tomatoes given that it's still freakishly warm.

...and yes, sure wish I had let a couple of other plants out there go another 4 weeks.
I watched the Thomas confirmation hearings front to back oh so long ago. (Now there are two sexual deviants on our highest of courts) I was very impressed with a certain senator who ran the show named biden.

Now THERE is some fine presidential timber, I said between sips of single malt and puffs on my montecristo.

I called an inlaw who worked for and with Bill Clinton and expressed myself.

"Biden is a duplicitous dickwad" she told me. "I would never consider him for president...ever".

I spoke with her last year and reminded her of our conversation and she said she never had any idea that things could have gotten so bad as to have her vote the way she did.
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Can't lie, I'm a bit grumpy I thought the cold snap we had for a week in October meant winter was coming. I could have gotten another round or two of peppers and tomatoes given that it's still freakishly warm.

...and yes, sure wish I had let a couple of other plants out there go another 4 weeks.
Winter is here and with a bullet. I’m west of you so