Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?

Trump could win in 2024, offer to legalize cannabis and half this board would an hero. True story.
Would you believe the world used to respect, even admire the USA? Now, you're the subject of ridicule almost as harsh as that normally reserved for Canada.
I'll never understand people who, even as grown adults want to see socialism take hold. Can't wait to stand in a breadline, Komrad?
B04EF657-3CF5-4F71-A9C0-757B676E3319.jpeg0AB01D43-0026-444E-9054-377D9E186703.jpeg Just throwing this out there.
Melania after some younger cock. I wonder why..

And Canada has no tropical paradises. That immediatley drops it down. Looses out to Cambodia
Trump could win in 2024, offer to legalize cannabis and half this board would an hero. True story.
Would you believe the world used to respect, even admire the USA? Now, you're the subject of ridicule almost as harsh as that normally reserved for Canada.
I'll never understand people who, even as grown adults want to see socialism take hold. Can't wait to stand in a breadline, Komrad?
i'd like you to explain the difference between socialism, communism, and democracy...if you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up...
without resorting to google, you have no idea what each of those ideologys represent...you're talking out your ass, and it smells like shit...
i'd like you to explain the difference between socialism, communism, and democracy...if you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up...
without resorting to google, you have no idea what each of those ideologys represent...you're talking out your ass, and it smells like shit...
That's a nice list. I'd toss fascism in there too.

For yucks, this is the Maga definition of the term:


Fascism is a big government, totalitarian, economic, and political ideology that arose in early twentieth century Europe and came to dominate the social and political systems of Italy under Benito Mussolini and Germany under Adolf Hitler. Fascism is statist in nature, relying on a public-private partnership of big government spending and "crony capitalism" while being openly hostile towards small business competition and conventional religion. In 21st century America, the Democratic party has come to embody the oppressive single party aims of fascism in the United States.
Conservatives are opposed to Fascism, favoring the individual over the state. Mussolini described Fascism this way:

Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the conscience and the universal, will of man as a historic entity. It is opposed to classical liberalism which arose as a reaction to absolutism and exhausted its historical function when the State became the expression of the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual; Fascism reasserts the rights of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual.[1][2]

Conservatives are inherently anti-Fascist because these terms stated above are unequivocally insufferable.

Too funny that the writer had to tell conservatives what to say about it. That last line. lulz. They voted for Trump. Of course they are fascists. Just how it is described in the second paragraph. "The state expressing the real essence of the individual". Trumpers embody that statement.
. . . . . . . . Democratics are always more in step and fall in line with party leadership. . . . . .
The Democratic objective is anti republican and Vice versa. Democratics are always more in step and fall in line with party leadership. Republicans often times fuck their own shit up (Paul Ryan being the perfect example)
People with small minds cannot understand what informed and intelligent people are doing.

As your post shows, they also lack the ability to know this.
Jesus does my post really make me somehow right wing. Grandpapy just tell me what following the money means from a layman's perspective? I wasn't suggesting that I was going to follow the trail to corruption I was simply suggesting we pursue fraud wear it exists. How would you like to have me teach my children? One thing I have taught them is to engage other people and try to change their political leaning. This forums does not make any effort to bring people into the fold with the exception of a few who realize that education works much better. I also don't think I said anything defending congressman who benefited hugely from the pandemic. I thought I suggested we pursue fraud. Hannibal are you suggesting that Democrats don't fill bills with pork and that the Republicans are the only party that does. I really don't think that you do. I'm pretty certain there are crooks on both sides of the aisle and no. I definitely did not read either of the bills put through.
I'm pro choice. I'm not opposed to a national heath program. I think we should institute some forms of gun control. Think people should make a living wage but I'm not sure how to go about accomplishing that. I think we should provide funding to black universities who are struggling. I've also have never voted for a republican candidate of any kind. If any of that makes me the enemy here I apologize. If I am not towing the party line I really don't give a fuck. For those of you who responded constructively I appreciate it.
Just vote Republicans out and I'm good.

I don't think I can change anybody's mind and I don't even try. I am concerned about the fascist threat to our democracy. That is the greatest threat to the US right now. White supremacist fascist terrorists and their sociopath leader. Everything you object to is just chaff compared to that.

So, just vote Republicans out for now. They give plenty of reasons for doing so. Pick one. The tax cut to the wealthy, their assault on women's civil rights, their support for police brutality, especially against Black and brown people, their opposition to affordable health care for everybody, their religious bigotry, their hypocrisy in almost every action they take, the grift and corruption, not to mention the way they tolerate sexual predators in their midst as long as they only prey on women.

We can work on or personal differences later.
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