Was driving home after getting some weed


I parked next right to this truck with a german Shepard or something smaller but along those breed. Anyway my windows are all up btw. The next thing I know is the dog was sniffing real hard at my car. My car and the truck was about 5ft seperated but the dog can still smell the dank... I was like holy shit for a moment.


Ursus marijanus
Chinity, I hope you left the area with some haste. Some of those dogs are ... trained. Can grab a doobie without ever touching you, and then it's there goes half a bag of Ol' Roy. cn

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
I would have been all like
But sort of related is this
"The Supreme Court on Wednesday is set to hold oral arguments concerning the novel question of whether judges may issue search warrants for private residences when a drug-sniffing dog outside the home reacts as if it smells drugs inside.In a second case involving drug-sniffing dogs, the justices also will entertain arguments Wednesday concerning a Florida Supreme Court decision allowing defendants to challenge the authenticity of a drug sniff, by bringing up past evidence of false alerts and how well-trained the dog and handler were.
The home-sniff case, also arriving from the Florida Supreme Court, tests a decade-old U.S. Supreme Court precedent in which the justices ruled that police need a warrant to use thermal-imaging devices outside a house to detect marijuana-growing operations, saying it amounted to a search. In that case, the high court ruled in 2001 that “rapidly advancing technology” threatens the core of the Fourth Amendment “right of a man to retreat into his own home and there be free from unreasonable governmental intrusion.”
Wednesday’s argument in the home-search case concerns a suspected Florida drug dealer and tests the limits of government intrusion into the home — substituting drug-sniffing dogs for thermal-imaging devices. The justices and lower courts have routinely sanctioned search warrants based on trained drug-detecting dogs responding to packages like airport luggage or vehicles stopped during routine traffic stops.

The whole article: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/10/scotus-drug-dogs/


Active Member
Same thing happend to me. When I started my first grow a k-9 cop car drove by my place and the fucking dog started barking out the window at my house. I was like holy shit lmao