Was gonna be outdoor, now their indoor :/


Active Member
So I was planning on putting two plants outside this year. I just transplanted them into ten gallon buckets and have been vegging them indoors under my 400 watt hps for about a month now. I have decided to just keep them inside, but because I am using such big buckets I have decided to go out next weekend to buy another 400 watt light, and dedicate each light to its own plant. Any ideas or opinions about this? I've changed my mind because of the whole idea of getting my crops found. The strain I have right now is the Third Dimension from TGA Subcool, thats what both plants are.


Well-Known Member
The more light the better :D.. 2 400watt hps for 2 plants would get some nice buds.. What are u worried about outside flyovers?


Active Member
Ya, I was planning on putting them outside but the chance of them being spotted above head is too much of a risk for me personally. Im still going to let them veg for a while since I have them in ten gallon buckets I want to use as much of the soil mass as possible to fill up with roots. what would be a good Vegging time for this does anyone have an idea? to reexplain myself i have two third dimension plants from tga subcool, each under a 400 watt hps. they have been vegging for one month now and are about a foot and three inches tall. Should i let them veg another month? or maybe like a month and a half? I just really want to utilize all the light and the soil. Thank you all