was i riped off

i thought that was the problem.i may give my ma her bulbs back.its a pain in the bollix trying to get the proper lights in ireland.they look at ya when ya ask about hps bulbs.ah well they,ll have to be got.thanks for your time all the best.


Well-Known Member

well i would expect so. and you sound young, so why would a young lad want a hps light system. forget hps and hid.

1. first of you sound young. dont grow in mums house.

2. dont use standard house bulbs, look for energy saver bulbs.

3. spider webs ? do you mean little white'ish hairs ? if so, no your plant will not be showing these yet!!! depending on type and your growing widow your looking at around 40+ days flowering.

4. contact a moderator and get your email addy removed as your nickname ASAP.

5. go too the CFL forum section and start reading the stickies there.

6. dont grow in your parents house !!!!
wtf is wrong with yous all.calm your bangers.im only starting off.if ya look at a picture of white widow you,ll see what im talking about the webs.id say thats why they fucking called it white widow.i got the plant to 4 ft on ordinary bulbs. i,ll have to send away for the proper ones.the hardware shops dont sell hps bulbs.i know fuck all about computers so dont freak out if im slow.thanks for your abuse.all the best


Well-Known Member
i dont want too sound harsh. and can understand your just starting.

to be honnest hps and hid units are more for the pro grower, they eat electric let of huge amounts of heat. personaly i know you can get CFL energy saver bulbs in ireland, local supermarkets etc etc will have them.

cool white = vegging up

warm white = flowering

20w and over you need

buy in bulk say 10 bulbs and replace house ones, then spare saver one left over use in your grow. ordinary incandesant bulbs wont help you one bit they just dont give of what a plant needs. on the other hand energy saver bulbs do and are a better choice.
here,i filled my fucking form out wrong.your e mail should be haywire ya paranoid cunt.im not nine im just a fool just like you.what would you say a ww looks like .up the filth


Well-Known Member
contact a moderator and they can help if not contact rollitup and he/she should be able too sort it out for you.


Well-Known Member
im in ireland too and there are numerous head shops around the country that supply hps lights reflectors, nutes, tents, etc etc... where you living in ireland and maybe i can point you in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
because most in the uk never see a plant in real life, normaly touched up fancy looking pics on web sites. and only time we in uk do see any plants it is on the tv, because of some comercial chinese grower stealing electric, and running 400+ plant ops.

here is a choice whats on offer too me right nowif i wanted it:

highly tainted soap bar ( you know that rubbish fulla turps,was varnish etc etc)
some weed that looks like it was shipped in horse manure, tastes the same too. and bud tainted with glass etching crystals.

on the odd occasion i come across some nice bud, in this last year i have smoked around 8th of real nice bud yup an 8th in a year your rarely lucky too get decent bud. hell a 16th over here is now costing £15 uk or $30+ usd and its crap, gives you a headache and you cough you lungs up.

i would rather run risk of getting caught with one plant than, mess up my health smoking glass crystal buds or resin with god know what added too bulk up the weight and cash in some criminals pocket.

well danny im in armagh.i went down to nutts corner and couldnt find any lights theyd only pappers an shit.could ya tell me how to get my email off my user name thanks


Well-Known Member
jesus christ whats up with the brits.....why dont you grow..........wher do you think the bud comes from in the U.s.......................somone grows it in a house...........shit I'm going to move to the Uk and grow some good bud and make a shit ton of money off the brits...............I don't understand why all these brits come on her and complain about soapbar and shit.........prob could sell these guys an 8th for 100$......................bud is just a plant.....fucking grow it....dont you guys have any entrepreneur spirit?


Well-Known Member
This person sure does look like an infiltrator. Do not e-mail them under any circumstance. There is definitely something foul about them. I can smell their stink for miles.
Who writes such crap? Trying to talk like they are attempting to be down with a crowd. Then they post their e-mail address as their login. How ridiculously foul!
First off this little c*nt puts a smiley face next to "riped off" then uses a popular strain to get attention. 400 watts is the most popular amount and who uses 400 watts or ordinary bulbs because this schmuck has not figured out what MH or HPS or even CFL is! There are no spider webs on it? Your e-mail should be fuzzrogue. Either this is a slimey greasey pig or he is nine years old but really what is the difference? Even a nine year old would know better than this fool. This makes me sick. This is exactly why I will probably not come back to these forums because of filth like that!

i was agreeing with you until................

i thought that was the problem.i may give my ma her bulbs back.its a pain in the bollix trying to get the proper lights in ireland.they look at ya when ya ask about hps bulbs.ah well they,ll have to be got.thanks for your time all the best.

irish, that explains it all!! just kidding man, half irish myself. where abouts in the beautiful country are ya? ditch the normal light bulbs and get yourself a hid or some envirolites. www.growell.co.uk for all growing shit in the uk or ireland


Well-Known Member
im sorry but where are the spider webs?

and either create a new account or pm a moderator on these forums and ask him to change your nickname


Well-Known Member
jesus christ whats up with the brits.....why dont you grow..........wher do you think the bud comes from in the U.s.......................somone grows it in a house...........shit I'm going to move to the Uk and grow some good bud and make a shit ton of money off the brits...............I don't understand why all these brits come on her and complain about soapbar and shit.........prob could sell these guys an 8th for 100$......................bud is just a plant.....fucking grow it....dont you guys have any entrepreneur spirit?
tut :roll: fucking prick


New Member
jesus christ whats up with the brits.....why dont you grow..........wher do you think the bud comes from in the U.s.......................somone grows it in a house...........shit I'm going to move to the Uk and grow some good bud and make a shit ton of money off the brits...............I don't understand why all these brits come on her and complain about soapbar and shit.........prob could sell these guys an 8th for 100$......................bud is just a plant.....fucking grow it....dont you guys have any entrepreneur spirit?

I was thinking the same thing :twisted:


Well-Known Member
shitloads of people here in the uk are growing their own nowadays, the uk has recently been flooded with shit weed contaminated with silicon, glass beads, sand, and glass frosting sprays, anything to make the bud heavier, all from outside the uk, this plus the police adding more and more zero cannabis tolerance areas with a one strike and your out policy and raiding all the big growers here in the uk has made it all a bit of a sorry state of affairs, thats hardly the average grower/stoners fault now is it, not to mention they will be reclassifying cannabis back to class b from a class c drug is only going to make matters worse! and where does our rediculous government get its policies and ideas from i wonder???? the usa thats where! and unless hes in northern ireland hes not a brit hes irish, mainland ireland is independant from the rest of the uk, hence its name the republic of ireland!!!
it looks like your getting the same shit as us its pure gak its like smoking semtex.fuck that £15 a 16th at least im only getting ripped off for £20 a quater.there dirty robbing bastards dick torbin wore a mask these cunts rob ya barefaced.