Was that post really necessary?


Alright so I was watching Lil Wayne's Lollipop video on YouTube and I usually like to read the top comments just for shits n' giggles but I saw a comment by username grizzlyUSMC they had this to say about Lil Wayne: "It kinda saddens me that this guy sings a song about Lollipops in a horrible whiny/raspy voice and makes millions while all the sheeple of modern hip hop worship him,&#65279; whereas there are soldiers and such getting paid virtually pennies to get shot at everyday and sleep in a hole so that people may enjoy the freedom to listen to garbage such as this"

...I mean really!?! I don't care if you don't like Lil Wayne or hip-hop/rap in general but to go as far as to say that bullshit?? I'm sorry I may have nearly flunked U.S. history but I don't believe we were ever in war because of music EVER. I get where they're coming from with the fact that he's 100x richer than a lot of the soldiers can ever hope to be and it seems wrong to think about it but that's life. He just happens to have numerous sources of income 'cause he's famous and people would give any amount of money for him to so much as spit on them. There's nothing we can do to change that. Besides, our soldiers aren't ever at war for money, money is the last thing on their minds while defending our country.

Sorry but that post kinda pissed me off.

Here's the link to the video:


New Member
i think the real question is was this thread necessary?

the guy does have a point... hate him or love him you cant argue with his post.


bud bootlegger
gotta love the fact that he says that people in the milatary don't get paid much to be shot at and sleep in ditches or whatever it was that he said.. i didn't see anyone pointing a gun at that dudes head when he joined the milatary.. i'm sure the nice recruiter told him how much money he would be paid for his services well in advance of his signing on the dotted line, no..
if he's not happy about the money he makes as a soilder, he never should have joined and instead should have stayed at home at worked on his skills as a rapper so that he too could get paid..


gotta love the fact that he says that people in the milatary don't get paid much to be shot at and sleep in ditches or whatever it was that he said.. i didn't see anyone pointing a gun at that dudes head when he joined the milatary.. i'm sure the nice recruiter told him how much money he would be paid for his services well in advance of his signing on the dotted line, no..
if he's not happy about the money he makes as a soilder, he never should have joined and instead should have stayed at home at worked on his skills as a rapper so that he too could get paid..
I agree.
It almost seems disrespectful to soldiers to drag their means of war into such a irrelevant topic as Lil Wayne.


Well-Known Member
you couldn't listen to Lil wayne without the army and if you think you could you are WRONG.


Well-Known Member
You couldn't listen to music or play on this web site without The U.S. military and what their doing for us. we are in Iraq and Afghanistan so that you cal listen to lil wayne


Well-Known Member
Theres tons of people that are stupid rich like he is, much richer than anyone will get in the armed forces. It definitely sucks, but nothing we can do about it... except maybe put a bullet in his head. Works for me.

And yes this thread was definitely not necessary :)


Well-Known Member
That's showbiz
cocksuckers get rich and the line between rich and poor increases
but that's the way the world is
never going to change
And people are going to have to go to war
get shot at and see horiffic things and bear the scars to prove it
but that is the way the world is , never going to change
and at the end of the day it's just trolling thread
3 things you don't talk about
1 money
2 religion
3 war
loaded question , no offence to the op

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Honestly I kinda think everyone is paid accordingly and fair. A lot of you guys said you rather be in a foxhole getting shot at than listen to Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne is probably like the rest of the people on the Earth and agrees with you. But unlike us he can't just not listen. Every time Lil Wayne opens his mouth he hears Lil Wayne. Now that's no way to live life. So Lil Wayne deserves all that money for listening to so much Lil Wayne. Think about it, Lil Wayne has listened to and knows the words to every Lil Wayne track... how painful would that be. I'll take Iraq over listening to every Lil Wayne song any day. That dude is a trooper and I salute him.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I kinda think everyone is paid accordingly and fair. A lot of you guys said you rather be in a foxhole getting shot at than listen to Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne is probably like the rest of the people on the Earth and agrees with you. But unlike us he can't just not listen. Every time Lil Wayne opens his mouth he hears Lil Wayne. Now that's no way to live life. So Lil Wayne deserves all that money for listening to so much Lil Wayne. Think about it, Lil Wayne has listened to and knows the words to every Lil Wayne track... how painful would that be. I'll take Iraq over listening to every Lil Wayne song any day. That dude is a trooper and I salute him.
hahaha...very true.


Active Member
I think where grizzlyUSMC was going with this was that we have a rapper over here making millions...not doin shit. While rappers that are good like Immortal Technique and Diabolic are stuck in the underground...and our soilders getting what 18k to 27k a YEAR??????!!!! Thats insanity...inhumane even. Kids bro. My age, 18 19 20 fighting over in a WAR they dont even know what its about.

I Thank and give all my support every day for my soldiers that protect me and give their lives for our freedoms. My best friend is in Afghanistan right now as a bridge builder, and he called me and told me that there was morters shot at them and grenades going off everywhere. He just turned 20!....and he gets 20k a year. While rappers that are about materialistic things rap here and make millzzz.


Edit: http://www.goarmy.com/benefits/money/basic-pay-active-duty-soldiers.html


Well-Known Member
whereas there are soldiers and such getting paid virtually pennies to get shot at everyday and sleep in a hole so that people may enjoy the freedom to listen to garbage such as this
This is the big american lie. These children are brainwashed and indoctrinated to fight the commercial wars of rich old men.
The average 3rd world farmer (your favourite targets), couldn't give any more of a damn about the US than a kentucky farmer cares about the weather in Kabul.

Take it from a person who was raised under such a regime, which then crumbled, and with it the lids over our eyes.... South Africa.

P.S. 27000 USD is a shit tonne of monney to 85% of the earth's population.