Was this a bad idea? W/ pics, droopy leaves purple stems


Well-Known Member
hey guys this is a GrandDaddyPurp plant. When I got my perlite and my canna coco I didnt exactly stir it all around so Its perlite on bottom and coco on top. This plant is in a completly controlled room with a 600 HPS. Temps are at 74-80 at most with about 72* with lights off. My cola stalks (I FIMmed it) are a bit rubbery rather than that firm stalk feel and I have purple stems to most fan leaves. Along with almost purple stripes going down the main growth stem. It also had a bit of leaf curling / clawing.

IMO the perlite on the bottom wasnt retaining water and starving the bottom half of the root zone.

I used water from a hose to attempt to break out as much perlite as I could and then added some coco to fill the void in the new pot.

Then I watered with 5.5 ph water with canna rhizo and now she sets until tonite.

This plant is 6 weeks from first two leafs. about 10" tall and has about 15 nodes.

I feed with cal mag plus, adv sensi a&b, hygrozyme, sweet. 800PPM

All in all I think she looks healthy. Just a few questions to feed my growing knowledgebase.

I dont usually worry about the purple coloring, though I would like to know if I should up my cal mag or add in some P or K

Was my decision to repot the plant a good idea?

Why do the stems turn to rubber? I have so far found that heat will do it, however as stated it never gets above 80*

Thanks and plus reps if I get a response



no. i think your just taking to good care of it. the plant is a weed. two problems you could look into is if the 600 hps is to much light because the room is too small and also just make sure you have filtered water for your plant


Well-Known Member
Can you please define rootbound? Is it just that the roots are so plentiful that they have no where else to go?