was trying to LST my plant


Well-Known Member
the reason i was trying this is because these plant was getting tall and i accidentally super cropped her twice will she grow back straight without a knuckle or just stay bent ? IMG_0665.jpg[h=3][/h]


Well-Known Member
It may stay bent or it may straighten up with a knuckle.

To be honest though that plant is heavily stretched.

Do you have enough lighting?



Well-Known Member
Can you re-pot into a larger pot and get it deeper? What light are you using? can you get it closer to the plant without harm? I have broke many a plant like that and they always survive. You need to deal with your stretch.. Your going to need a cage of some sorts for support...

Edit: Looks like a cfl... get it as close to the plant as possible to reduce stretch. Have you though about turning the top into a clone? It would set you back some time but would be my choice.


Well-Known Member
Its reaching way to hard for that light, your nodes are very stretched, and managing it this early is preferred.

Move light closer, what lights are they?

Like they all say that stretch is the issue, the plant looks healthy etc, but you want those nodes to be more compact. Thats all in the lighting 95 % of the time.

But they will recover fine.


Well-Known Member
yeah i have her/him under cfl i Lsted it because the light burnt the leaves so i topped her/him and tied her down i was real close to the light when i sprouted it and move it down evry time it got to close to the light so it was a cm away from the light may be it's a male that's why its so stretchy or maybe i just have a stretchy pheno


Well-Known Member
Insufficient lighting will cause stretch. it could also be the strain. Are you set on that plant? if so, add more light and a small fan.

If it was mine, I would cut it above where it kinked and clone it. But I also have issues with cloning.. I can't stop myself....


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of doing that cloning i mean and for the Q of the re-pot i had only re-potted it the other day


I'd cut her clone it and then add more light and ventilation is a must have if you don't have some already. She's got way too much space between nodes IMO.


Weed Modifier
you would be surprised at the resilience of mj... it will be ok, probably will stay bent ...but thats ok as it seems like its stretching for more light...could add some more lights on sides if possible.

because its so tall you could clip the very top shoot( FIM ) which will stunt its growth up ...and that should cause it to fill out into a bush ;) you will notice more branches on the bottom and sides start to grow once the top tip is clipped.


Well-Known Member
i topped the top of it before i tried LST it the top is now curving like a c from the bend and i have tied it to a stake


damn mang that is some bad stretch! I loose interest in my plant if it ever stretches out like the Eiffel Tower