Wash your hands!


Active Member
You'd be surprised how often people are busted from neglecting to do this one simple thing.
Cops do have the right to inspect your hands and even smell them from a short distance and use this as just cause for searching your car or patting you down.

Be smart always be one step a head of the system.

This isn't always a big deal until around harvest and pruning season. I for one cant stand using gloves while trimming, i usually end up getting more sticky stuff on the gloves cus i cant always feel when im touching and the gloves end up getting stuck together and unusable at some point.

The easiest and most reliable method I've come up with against this is simple and cheap:

1. Before trimming, apply generous amount of veggie oil of your choosing to hands, above sink.

2. lather the oil all over your hands for several seconds.

3. apply dish soap generously to hands and lather with oil.

4. rinse with warm water thoroughly and air dry hands if possible.

5. Repeat these steps at any point in your trimming process as needed and again after you are done.

6. apply hand lotion to avoid dryness and cracking of the skin.

Follow those steps and your hands will always be non compromising and smelling fresh!


Active Member
I can't say for certain the exact number, but the tip off was explained to me by a lawyer friend whom I have a lot of confidence in...for what that is worth


If you don't have weed or parif in your car, they can't do shit even if your hands smell like a thousand plant grow. If you're going to ride dirty, thats the dumb decision, not forgetting to wash your hands .


Active Member
If you don't have weed or parif in your car, they can't do shit even if your hands smell like a thousand plant grow. If you're going to ride dirty, thats the dumb decision, not forgetting to wash your hands .
right because envisioning a circumstance where you need to carry something like that in your car is unimaginable.... *rolls eyes*


right because envisioning a circumstance where you need to carry something like that in your car is unimaginable.... *rolls eyes*
You never really NEED to ride with weed, it's always a choice. I always just ride with a couple grams so if i do get searched it's nothing big.