Washington State Growers..I love you.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So I am new to outdoor growing. I have a majority of the things I need and still have one more question and I am only asking because I am to lazy to look...

I live in this general area...

..and was wondering when would be a good time to start my lady friends outdoors..hoping to be ready by august-september.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
That is what I thought. Could I plant as late as June 1st and still get away with a September feast? Could I plant as late as mid May and still get away with it? Or is that pushing it also..?


Well-Known Member
That is what I thought. Could I plant as late as June 1st and still get away with a September feast? Could I plant as late as mid May and still get away with it? Or is that pushing it also..?

Love the avatar....Sure you can you will just get a smaller plant...


Well-Known Member
Pacific Northwest growers all the way. I got 6 little kids under a 250 watt light right now for a month to get them healthy. Then i plan on moving them outside towards the end of this month. Lets just hope for no bizarre snow storms in the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ya the snow in april is killing me..Well shit..Um I am actually allowed 30 plants under our state medical laws...we'll I live with another medi patient..15 a piece. Anyway. I am growing out 5 sweethtooth 5 opium 5 blueberry 6 kushberry 4 white berry and 5 not sure yet. Any suggestions? Would 2 weeks of veg be enough before I chuck em outside?


Well-Known Member
you should just wait a month and stick them towards the end of this month outside. That way it allows for enough growth