Washington state medicail MJ laws to change


Well looks like were going to get screwed again by the state !! the new 502 law to legalize MJ is going to over ride the in place law and do away withit in the medical MJ area it seems. the draft just came out today stating no more home grows for those who want and can do this to save big bucks on meds. Every one will have to buy now through the new 502 plan of so called legal stores . Now the state has greed in there eye's and want there cut in a 25 % off the top of each license holder means in some cases they made 75% off the same product before it hits the consumer and at least 50%. Gee this all done for the good of who ? It will now be Illegal for anyone to have a MJ plant or more than a 30 day supply in there possession if this draft goes into law. we have until nov to do what we can to on the legal front to oppose this draft. So any one who want to get involved please go to medicalmarijuana@liq.wa.gov and voice your opinion. This change will effect many who now enjoy a legal ability to grow there own. For me on a fixed income of $1223.00 growing my own has made possible to have basically almost free meds which helps out a lot each month. And I know there are thousands of others in our state that are in the same situation. This new 502 has its own merit for the recreation use but screws the med side of things. Doesn't seem fair but when has life bin fair ? All this about a simple harmless weed that helps every person that has embraced it. what are we missing here !!


New Member
This is just unfortunate. Every time we get close to moving forward and progressing marijuana legalization to the forefront, the government panics for no reason and tries to appeal.


Yes it is unfortunate because the medical MJ laws have bin in place for several yrs now in Wa. But the state has had complaints of med patients that grow for them selves are selling on the side. Which the state gets no revenue from and with the new 502 plan in Wa state it makes it a crime again to have a plant or more than 1 oz at a time in your possession. Personally I hope this new 502 plan blows up in the states face. Only wealthy business investor will be getting licenses to grow and with all the restrictions and controls in the law will drive production cost up , more than likely drive the price up at the counter witch many will buy from underground growers still and since the state has invested millions in this new revenue collecting business they will ramp up more enforcement state wide to protect there investment . Lot of uncertainties still but I don't see this as good , may end up worst than what we had before.