

Active Member
New poster, long time smoker!

I grew up and lived for 30+ years in the Miami area. Always got good weed, but growing it wasn't an option there. The DEA and LEOs swarm the skies in helicopters night and day!

Recently moved to the southern appalachian mountains. BIG difference here. The people are better...the weed is worse. Anyways, It's pretty rural here and I've decided to try and take advantage of the woods via trying to grow some mind-crushing weed.

I'm going to try and do a couple inside as well this first season. In two weeks I'm going to germinate and start some bag seeds. I have good spots picked outside and will be prepping the areas next week. All I have to deal with outside are deer and other critters. The deer here are pretty domesticated so pissing or other odors won't work. I'm considering some LST methods including some chicken wire.

Great forum you have here. Good information and chill members.


Well-Known Member
welcome to riu, there's a link to my grow as my sig if you want to follow my scrog grow (noticed the chicken wire comment)


How was the transition? I pictured myself moving up there (Gatlinburg) when I left Jacksonville, but after visiting, I decided to stay in FL, for now anyways.


Well-Known Member
you'll wanna leave cologne on a shirt for the deer and either plant in buckets...i.e.5 gal or sumthin like that!!! i've lost a few plants these past few yrs in the midwest because of moles!! not because they eat the plant but they burrow next to it lookin for worms or grub worms and it just kills the plant by the time you get to check on it again!!!! chicken wire is good but you'll jus hav to learn like we do....but there are a few pointers!!!