geez man, this question must get asked 10+ times a day. if u want a head high harvest when they are mostly cloudy, for a body buzz wait till most are amber. for a in between high harvest at 50% cloudy and 50% amber
This is true. Harvesting a little earlier will swing the buzz to more heady, whilst harvesting later (more amber trichs) will swing the buzz toward the body stone sort of thing, but it will only swing the buzz a little in either direction, high or stone is more so determined by strain.
Indica being the stone - Best for pain relief, helping to get to sleep etc.
Sativa being the high - Best for being social, energetic, being unusually happy - relief from depression etc.
But when looking at your trichs, remember, if most of them are clear, don't harvest, they're not ready! And don't be surprised if they take longer than expected to even get to 50/50 cloudy/amber, most strains take longer to finish than most people think. Probably about 80-90% of '8 Week Strains' take 10 weeks to
properly finish. I know of very few strains that are
truly ready in less than 10 weeks (there's, however, often the odd phenotype that will be truly finished in 8 weeks amongst a 10 pack of seeds that say 8 week flowering time)