Watch me hit my bong!


Well-Known Member
It's just weird to watch someone smoke. You're just sitting there.
Bitchin; bout' yo parent's and sista bein' home an' shit. Smoke wit em'

Taylor Hewitt

Active Member
Naw I'm not bitchin', it just means I gotta be careful. My sister is only 14 and my dad would be very angry needless to say, if he found out that I was smoking in my room.


Well-Known Member
Haha, now I know why that video made me just wanna make fun of you.
You're Canadian. Duh. All one can do is laugh.

Taylor Hewitt

Active Member
I have a minor lisp.

Fuck can't I find a god damn forum where people treat each other with at least a five-sack of respect?


Well-Known Member
I'm just laughing at you.

I mean, honestly, I respect you as much as I respect any other person on a internet forum from a whole diff. country alltogether.

respect, bro. yeah..

fuck smoking anyways.



Well-Known Member
You got some balls smoking in your room and shit while the fam is home. I guess my parents were smarter than that, I couldn't just light some incense and blaze.

Glad I'm in college and not living at home anymore...anyway, keep on tokin'!


Well-Known Member
thats the stupidest thing ive ever seen, please tell me thats not really you.. and y the fuck would you put a video showing your face on a website based on growing marijuana??