Watch new episode of 'Curiosity'! Tonight on the Discovery Channel!


Well-Known Member
Tonights new episode is 'Can we survive an alien attack'.

Trust me, I've seen 3 previews for it in the past hour or so and it looks extremely interesting. It's for all of you members that are like me.. have a brain that loves to think and take in information and learn new things. It's gonna be sweet!

Here's the link for more information!

Basically, the show talks about theories on life and where we came from.. our future.. some of our past.. and what direction our human race is currently heading in. I love this kind of stuff! I've got a huge passion for trying to decifer what we're here for.. where we came from.. is there an afterlife? do we have a mission while we're here..?? Or.. are we blessed with this one life.. to enjoy and take in the magical miracle we call Earth? ;)
