water bong vs reg bong


Well-Known Member
Just was wondering.... what is the point of having water in some bongs? I have never seen the point of this but im sure there is one if people are doing it.... thanks


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Yes it cools and filters the toke so it is not as harsh. It is nice and smooth. Fire it up. bongsmilie:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I cant do alcohol in my bongs the vapor is nasty and it stays for a while. Plus the lower THC ofcourse.


Well-Known Member

The op is either to young or to dense to be here. Wow. I thought this was a troll.
I thought this was a troll too, but for all we know this guy could have SERIOUSLY thought there were two types of bongs... One with water... and one without. To make it plain and clear, its not a BONG if it doesn't have water in it... Then it's just a different shaped pipe.. but yeah seriously, who doesn't know this? :eyesmoke: