This topic is spiraling into the depths of asinine absurdity. As Hansel from Zoolander said it best, The results are in amigo, what's left to ponder?
a: it's beneficial to foliar spray your unrooted cuts for nutrient uptake until they acquire roots to serve this purpose.
b: once they establish roots it is utterly futile to foliar spray unless you are experiencing lockout, and even then, your would be harvest is already grossly compromised.
c: water droplets from a foliage spray may or may not cause burn spots, or leave a residue. There are so many other variables at play such as temp, type of water,RH etc from one persons grow to another. They can however leave calcium despots which clog the stomata, hindering optimal photosynthesis, so again, if you're not seeing burn marks, rest assured that you're efficiency isn't what it could be, however minimal the effect may be. I personally don't enjoy adding workload and performing pointless tasks in my garden such as foliar spraying for nourishment since my roots are working round the clock for this purpose.