water cloning works the best!


so tried a couple cloning method and out of a coupke of um the best one is putting water in a red party cup and in day in a half mayb 2 day i already have atleast 3 little root nubs on each clone and i have 6 clones so i think im goin to keep it goin wit da water method for now and hope sumthing more cheap and jus as effective as dis one so any other ideas will be nice to try out as well im trying to be a herbologist so i figuer i start here an place u guys know for college?:blsmoke:


Active Member
so tried a couple cloning method and out of a coupke of um the best one is putting water in a red party cup and in day in a half mayb 2 day i already have atleast 3 little root nubs on each clone and i have 6 clones so i think im goin to keep it goin wit da water method for now and hope sumthing more cheap and jus as effective as dis one so any other ideas will be nice to try out as well im trying to be a herbologist so i figuer i start here an place u guys know for college?:blsmoke:
Did you use clone gel? How did you suspend them in the cup? And did you put anything in the water? Pics?


still tryn to figuer out how to get pics on this thing but believe or not pretty much jus plain tap water. i tried it jus like i did 8 in cloning powerd in rockwool because people sed thats the most efficent ones then i used thing gordan stater cup for my under 7 clones,used rootone,then jus did water cloning and now its bin 3 days with the water cloning and i gotta say they look way more healthy then the rest of them ,and the 8 clones have bin sittinng in its plastic dome for about 8 days now and i cant see threw the rockwool but have sign of gud like but cant see any root nubs... i know sounds crazy but i jus did the usual trim and cut the cuttings and shaved alittle bit off the bac where its goin to in the water and jus let it sit i have it in my grow box,clones are not in direct light but the other ones are...


i jus triimed the leafs and my cutting is atleast 5-6" long and i hang them by there leafs and mist twice a day


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
dude your high as fuck show the pics, cause i have tried many waz and that way never work let alone 2 day roots.. blow smoke up some one elses asses not ours.


i'm actually using this method on a couple white widow tops. the plants are doing very well no drooping, a little root hormone using the glass walls as the support. you may be confusing shredded stalk that is breaking down in the water. as far as roots. been 2 days here don't see roots yet. but as far as cloneing goes this is much simpler then dome cloneing, still have to mist all the time though.


Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
I've been cloning in water for a long time now. Cut - dip in gel - put em in a small cup with plain tap h2o. Very easy and low tech, but totally reliable. I usually see roots in about 10 days.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I treated my water with Thrive-Alive Green Label and had similar results...I originally found this method by accident when I had just left some cuttings in my veg area, in a cup with the TA for a while and saw the root nodes popping. Before that I had never heard of just cloning in water.

Although now I literally just cut below a node, dip in some water, dip in my Home Depot rooting powder, stick it in a rockwool cube. Roots faster than water for me. I can make 96 clones for $15, and not lose one (unless I fuck up and dont water them when I need to)