water cooled knife hits annyone


Active Member
try this out
heat the knifes up red hot place weed on wait 7- 10 sec and go
the real key is to have a water pipe and to glaze the herb golden brown not black
you can use a bubbler just plug the carb with a wet piece of a paper towel
these are the patties i save them up and make oil out of them and that's why i don't torch them up and
look at that golden shit that's my resin its pretty fucking good ive never taken a lighter to my piece only knife hits and if you do it with hash you get this stuff 10x faster just start with a clean as you can get piece or dedicate a bong or a bubbler with a plugged carb hole to this the tast is out if this world you have to try it
and it will gunck up your down stem where your bowl goes so have some 91% alcohol around if you cant dedicate



Well-Known Member
besides not having a rolling papers and a lighter, i never really understood the reason people would do the knife hits. anyone know whats up with this?


besides not having a rolling papers and a lighter, i never really understood the reason people would do the knife hits. anyone know whats up with this?
It's really popular in Washington. I for one think it goes straight to the dome. Conserves green because you take in all the smoke. While in bowls or joints the there's lots of excess that burns up.


try this out
heat the knifes up red hot place weed on wait 7- 10 sec and go
the real key is to have a water pipe and to glaze the herb golden brown not black
you can use a bubbler just plug the carb with a wet piece of a paper towel
Hold a shot glass over the bong stem hole, and have someone else serve you the knife hit. you'll collect tons of sweet resin in the shot glass and there's little to no wasted smoke :)

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Best thing ever is to get a bowl that has 3 holes on the side of the bowl rather then a hole in the bottom, my bowl came with a glass wand that fits flush in the whole, throw some hash in the bottom of the bowl, heat the glass wand to red hot with a blow torch and wahlaw!

Hands down best way to knife rip through a water piece...

Although if you dont have this bowl and wand this is def the best way to go!


Well-Known Member
makes me think of hot knives, we used to do it a lot, I think its still really popular in the uk.

we had like a glass bottle with the bottom cut off, then we'd get a lil lump of hash and use 2 hot knives to squeeze the bit of hash together at high temps and the bottle instantly filled with thick hash smoke.


makes me think of hot knives, we used to do it a lot, I think its still really popular in the uk.

we had like a glass bottle with the bottom cut off, then we'd get a lil lump of hash and use 2 hot knives to squeeze the bit of hash together at high temps and the bottle instantly filled with thick hash smoke.
Hell yeah! I got a Tapitio bottle with the bottom knocked out sitting right here just for that :)


Active Member
to get the tast you want and need you gave to water filter that shit it cools the smoke si you can take a bigger hit if you hold it in you can get a feeling like smoking crack or nitrous you can start to black out hold that shit in and dont burn the weed
try some hash like this it will flash once you touch the knife so be inhaling wean you touch them


Me and my friends do knife hits all the time... good way to get baked when your runnin low on bud :P Ha that shit is crazy The75Bag, i dont know if i wanna straight black out lol.. good idea though... We have a Malibu bottle with the bottom knocked out.. we keep it in the freezer.. helps cool the smoke a lil bit..im babbling cuz im stoned, smokin outta my new boonggg :D


Active Member
you don't completely black out just a little and you got to water filter the vapors don't burn the nug


Active Member
That sucks. I like to black out.
j/k....but not really.

How's the hash you make from the left overs? I'm the jewiness bastard when it comes to my smoke. I grow my own and still smoke resin for Christ's sake.

And I'm gonna go try that knife/bong method.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, nice. I like that creativity.. bringing the bong in to bridge between the knives and actual inhalation. Cooling down the smoke. Water-pipe style..

Only recently have i heard of people using knives for anything other than hash... ill hafta give this a go yo!


Active Member
the oil is like a 3 out of 10 you got to grind it or break it up first you need like 4 hits but all i do is smoke all day so i have a extreme tolerance if you never take a lighter to your pice like i do you can get gold resin ill take some pics later now that is as good as hash