Water cooled lights and chillers for grow room?


Active Member
Hey guys, so I'm considering running a pretty big setup, but I'm looking into water cooled lights versus the conventional air exhaust with tubing etc. First, does anyone have any opions on water cooled? From what I've been reading they're suppose to do wonders due to the lumen increase. So I'm trying to have Five sections of two 600 watt watercooled. How big does my reservoir need to? And how many gallons of water are needed in the reservoir per light? I read that they suggest 55 per two with a chiller; would I need multiple chillers since a single might not be able to keep that many gallons cooled? My next question would be this: Is there a chiller out there that won't sap up massive amounts of energy? I'm already putting 6000 watts just from the lights every hour for 12 hours. Thanks so much for your help guys!!


You will have to do a cost benefit analysis to determine the lowest cost way to cool your garden. I've done some research on this, but in the end it seemed like a pain in the ass and I really don't like the idea of water lines coming close to anything electrical, it's simply not the safest.

The theory is that water removes heat 25% more efficiently than air. It probably does, but the added risk and headache isn't worth it to me. You have to keep in mind that the chiller will produce heat, so you'll need to find a way to deal with that as well. Why not simply use the amperage for the chiller, on a larger AC?

You will need to do some research on commercial chillers, the ones for the hydro industry aren't as powerful as they claim.

check out watercooledgardens.com and call them to ask specific questions. They are probably biased towards cooling with water, but you'll have to form your own opinion once you weigh everything out.


Active Member
yeah, I had the same fear with the proximity of the water and the electric. Thanks for the input, though!