Water Cooling CXB3590

This is my first post on this forum. Thank you to everyone who has put in such great effort to help noobs like myself design and build our own lights!

I currently have a small aquaponic setup for random plants/veggies that I would like to expand on.

I run 3 1000w heaters for my 175gal display tank, 55gal equipment tank (in the basement), and 55gal barrel moving bed filter (also in the basement).

I was thinking I could mount the LED chips onto aluminum CPU water jackets in a closed-circuit and put the radiator into my equipment tank. I realize this wouldn't heat the water much, but hey, it's heat energy that would otherwise go unused. My tanks are at 78F.

Would this work? Any serious cons to this setup?

Below are pics of the water cooler, the 3/4" X 4' aluminum U-channels they would be attached to, and a sketch of what I'm thinking to build for a 4'X4' grow area.

I am going to continue with the aquaponic setup using 4'X8'x1' grow tables, flood and drain, using pumice stones or similar porous media.

Thanks for the input!



Well-Known Member
We water cool 200 amp scr's on a seem welder. I checked into it but don't see the need. I cool 800w of LED's with 100 cfm.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about something like that and a few weeks ago I received the same model cooling block. Not easy to find them with input and output on opposite ends.

I'm wondering how to attach the leds though. Driving in some screws is not going to be much of a success obviously :)
I was thinking about something like that and a few weeks ago I received the same model cooling block. Not easy to find them with input and output on opposite ends.

I'm wondering how to attach the leds though. Driving in some screws is not going to be much of a success obviously :)

I was thinking about attaching a cob holder (screws) to a flat piece of aluminum (thermal paste between LED and flat aluminum), and then securing that flat piece to the water block with thermal adhesive.
Would the LEDs produce enough heat to make a difference in the aquarium water?

Those cooling blocks are fairly inexpensive. The whole setup may be close in cost to what standard heatsinks run


Well-Known Member
I'm also looking at water cooling to be able use the "waste" heat from the leds for something else.

I bought a thick copper plate to sort of attempt the same thing you are. I would also screw the COB to the copper and then attach the copper plate to something else. For now I only bought 2 water cooling blocks for a trial.

Whether the leds would heat up the water would depend on the leds you use. Mine run at 50W and about half of that is heat. So 16 of those would basically be a 400W heater. I'm assuming that would warm the water quite a lot.


Active Member
Which chips do you plan to use mate? And how hard will you drive them? Even 50W (dissipated as heat) should not be a problem for these aluminium blocks!
I would say: Go for it!


Well-Known Member
I know stuff about watercooling.
you could probably do it with some cheap china blocks but I wouldnt try it with any good waterblock unless you are going to use proper coolant or itll gum up the tiny fins inside the cpu blocks.

also you have to be careful about mixing metals. copper and aluminum can have corrosion.

tubing could be a concern.


Well-Known Member
This is my first post on this forum. Thank you to everyone who has put in such great effort to help noobs like myself design and build our own lights!

I currently have a small aquaponic setup for random plants/veggies that I would like to expand on.

I run 3 1000w heaters for my 175gal display tank, 55gal equipment tank (in the basement), and 55gal barrel moving bed filter (also in the basement).

I was thinking I could mount the LED chips onto aluminum CPU water jackets in a closed-circuit and put the radiator into my equipment tank. I realize this wouldn't heat the water much, but hey, it's heat energy that would otherwise go unused. My tanks are at 78F.

Would this work? Any serious cons to this setup?

Below are pics of the water cooler, the 3/4" X 4' aluminum U-channels they would be attached to, and a sketch of what I'm thinking to build for a 4'X4' grow area.

I am going to continue with the aquaponic setup using 4'X8'x1' grow tables, flood and drain, using pumice stones or similar porous media.

Thanks for the input!
With fish you want to be really wary of any copper that might touch water with them in it. If your radiator doesn't have any copper you should be okay. Nice idea!