Water Cure Grinded weed ( What have I done?!)


Well-Known Member
oh shit eh. do you loose any trichs in the process? and i cant imagine the bud tasting any better after soaking in water lol but it makes sense to get rid of all the chloryphil. and chloryphil is water soluable i guess. can u post a pic of the nug after it s done?


Active Member
Old thread, I'm sure he's smoked or drank this by now...but...if it's already in water, why not just chug it? :D


Well-Known Member
If drying and curing removed all chlorophyll, then the buds wouldn't be green. ;)
the buds DO change color after curing, and clorophyllic gasses evaporate during the curing process, hence that grassy smell.


Ursus marijanus
the buds DO change color after curing, and clorophyllic gasses evaporate during the curing process, hence that grassy smell.
Those vapors aren't at all related to chlorophyll. They're mono-and sesquiterpenes from the plant's cells. cn