Water cured a quarter


Well-Known Member
bud looks pretty damn good major... the water really literaly smels like shit seaweed and old fishtank water...


Well-Known Member
I'm 3 days into my whole water cure on my 1st harvest (about 1oz). I meant to save 1/2 to air dry but i was so blazed and excited i forgot and did the whole thing. lol I'll let you know how it goes.

so far the water has always been green and hazy with a bad smell by the time i change it. the buds got dark and most sink to the bottom.

I looked at the tricombs today with the microscope and they were all still intact with all the balls still on sticks.

The strain I'm doing this with is white satin White Satin which is supposed to have a low odor anyway so this should end up being some stealth bud. lol


Well-Known Member
hehehe... I shod be done tuesday... dont know how many days that is... 4? 5? somthing like that?
my buds are turning an odd yelowish green... and the water hasn't stunk real bad since then...


Well-Known Member
I know and I did. and it stunk soo bad on day 2 and 3 but not soo much after that... I dont think I'm going to be water curing again... amybe alittle here and there


Well-Known Member
Hey, you guys think its safe to smoke zinc? The nails I used to weigh it down lost its zinc layer, Think it might be on the bud. Smells metallic.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt think zinc would come off in water. but if its gone... I guess it did...
I'd still smoke it :)


Well-Known Member
no, it's acid curing.

you break open a car battery with a sledgehammer, and soak your weed in the battery acid. make sure you smoke it while its still wet, and near gasoline.