Water farm help


Well-Known Member
im not ph'ing my water atm coz my ph meter is fukt i had a feeling it was nt reading rite my girls had stagnated so i put lots of tap water thru em over the bath luckily they was only in 1 litre air pots at the time it could be that your ph meter needs recilibrating ??


Well-Known Member
Might just be the plant, It was 1/2 the size of the other one's. I did start out with very low nute's to feeding chart for seedlings. ppm a lil over 200. Thanks for the advise everyone. I switched to the Fox Farm nutes to see if i could wake the lil girl up and she did grow a lil, But i think she may just be a bum plant, had one on my last run that would not grow at all while everyone else took off. A lot of the lower leaves went yellow on me and when i looked today she had a lil more color. I am going to top other plants soon and try to clone them and may try again . I will check out the other water farm grows. I did drill a lot more holes in the bottem bucket like every one does...Up date this in a day or so...thanks merry christmas and will rep everyone that help.....OhMy


Well-Known Member
i run waterfarms also and use both the 3 pt gh and flora nova b using the lucas formula and i have tried putting seedlings in the waterfarm when they r smalll but have had slow growth also, i now try and stick to well rooted healthy clones and havent had an issue since.
with the 3 pat tho i generally start at 3ml micro and 6ml bloom per gallon when plants r younger, once they get used to the bucket tho be ready to raise ur lights every few days haha
happy growing


Well-Known Member
No Problem Bob Im Also New To Growing.The Benefits Of Using Tin Foil Is It Keeps Alge From Forming And Keeps Evaporation Down.You Cover The Top Of The Farm No Holes.Check Out The Thread Below This Is Where I Got My Inspriation To Go Hydro-Waterfarming.Also Check Out My Grow.Peace And Hair Grease:blsmoke:


Below Is My Grow
Switch the foil out for reflectix insulation(home depot) and you'll keep the hot temps out of your buckets as well.


Well-Known Member
I use the three part system with good results. Keeps PH stable but does discolor the roots some cause of the micro.


Well-Known Member
Just kicked this bitch in flower, using the 3 part nutes with shaot of cal mag..I might post pictures if i can get the scog table set up in time...I still have many plants in flower, and every time two come out 3 go in ..hope it cools off a little or my ac will be running