Water Farm


I have a single waterfarm system and i was wondering if i need a timer for it. My local hydroponics store said that i should keep it running 24/7 but other people say otherwise. Any help is apprectiated, thanks


I have a single waterfarm system and i was wondering if i need a timer for it. My local hydroponics store said that i should keep it running 24/7 but other people say otherwise. Any help is apprectiated, thanks
you can do one hour on and one hour off or 20 minutes on and 1 hour off or keep them on when lights are on and turn it off when lights turn off


Well-Known Member
I let my drip ring run 24/7 until the roots grow into the bottom chamber - then I eliminate the ring, run a line down the blue tube, and add an airstone in the bottom chamber for the rest of the grow.


if i eliminate the ring wil the top of the plant not dry out? and where could i get an airstone and what exactly does it do?? thanks!


Well-Known Member
if i eliminate the ring wil the top of the plant not dry out? and where could i get an airstone and what exactly does it do?? thanks!
no it wont dry out, but as he said w8 till ur roots r in the water on bottom otherwise yes ull dry it out.
good luck


Well-Known Member
You don't eliminate the ring until the roots have grown into the bottom chamber - you don't have to worry about the top drying out - most of the root mass will be in the bottom chamber. Airstones create bubbles in the rez which aerates the water and provides oxygen to the roots - any pet store has them. One last thing - it is imperative that you drill larger and more holes in the top chamber or the roots will not be able to grow into the bottom chamber and will build up in the bottom of the upper chamber creating problems.


Well-Known Member
Oh and also an air stone can b found @ en pet shop or walmart around the aquariums, it oxygenates ur water, as well as keeps it circulated.


Active Member
Air Stones are good .

Air curtains are good also ,more smaller bubbles, More Oxygen , !

http://www.hydroponics.net/i/134028. With the flexible air curtains you can make them into any shape you want ,.

You can take them and wrap them around your pump and it will deliver more oxygen to your roots .

Peace !