Water/Feed Schedual Question, Also First Grow


Hello forum! I just received my Technaflora Recipe for Success kit and I had a question about the enclosed "schedule" it says
"... for soil/soilless mediums use this solution in the sequence of Feed, Water, Water..."
Am I correct in assuming that this means water plants with nutrients (diluted of course), then for the next two watering sessions use just water? And I would assume that I should be waiting 2-3 days before my next water session.
My planned medium is de-compressed coconut bricks (the best I can find in my area) in 3 gal grow bags.
Any help would be appreciated as I would rather not incinerate my pants with toxic levels of nutrients.

Also, I will be using CFL 6x23w @ 6500k + 2x23w @ 2700k for veg and 8x23w @ 2700k for flowering. For three plants.

Thanks again! :-o
Hey there! That's the schedule I've been doing (feed, water, water) and about that about of time in between. When your plants get bigger they will need more water also. Im in the middle of my third grow and starting my fourth and I don't think I've had any problems with food or water. My plants grow very healthy and their leaves never wilt or get any nute burn. Make sure if your plants are small to use a half strength (or some nutes say mild) amount of food. You have to be careful not to over do it :-) Good luck! Any more questions just ask :peace:


Hey there! That's the schedule I've been doing (feed, water, water) and about that about of time in between. When your plants get bigger they will need more water also. Im in the middle of my third grow and starting my fourth and I don't think I've had any problems with food or water. My plants grow very healthy and their leaves never wilt or get any nute burn. Make sure if your plants are small to use a half strength (or some nutes say mild) amount of food. You have to be careful not to over do it :-) Good luck! Any more questions just ask :peace:
I have a question. have either of you tried L.S.T. on your plants? (low stress training)?


Just curious because im trying it for the first time and was wondering how much more you yeild by using that techniqe.
I've heard that stressing the plants even a little isn't good for them. They like living stress free with a great environment. And I don't think your yield changes very dramastically anyways. What types of techniques were you thinking of using?

And Typhon..I'm a miss :-) I know there's not many of us but I love doing this! It's such a fun little secret hobby! Good luck on your grow! And thanks for the reps! :peace:


Well-Known Member
lst is used to maximize the grow space and yes it can help to increase your yield since you can get bigger plants in a small area. ( My 2 cents)
And lst doesn't really stress the plants that much.