Water, food, and fertilizer question


Active Member
My plants are still small, they are currently at the stage where the third and fourth true leaves are starting to grow(not counting the codyledons), They are in 3-4 gallon pots. Exactly how much water do these plants need at this stage????? Ive read that you should water when the soils surface is dry but how much should I water and should the water be spread around the whole pot or only near the plant itself? For example, how much of a 16 oz cup should I fill to water???
Also, If anyone can recommend what kind of food and fertilizer I should use at this point....that would be great. what kind, brand, etc.
Just water it till a little water comes out of the drain holes. Then check every couple of days, if it is dry two inches down water it again. Just find you a fert. at walmart a litttle
higher in N, not too much though and give it half dosage of what it says on the box and gradually work your way up, feed it evey two or three waterings

Also it would help if you gave us more info like: What soil you are using and such. Look at the FAQ's, it covers all of this. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thanx head shot. im using premier promix soil mixed with perlite and vermiculite. what brand fert or food do you recommend from walmart? So your saying I should literally soak the whole pot until water comes out the drain holes? Do I soak the whole pot or just water around the plant itself until I see drainage? Im very new at this and am trying to avoid overwatering.
Yes the whole pot. You want the roots to grow down not up. I use Miracle Grow 24/8/16 for veg and 15-30-15 for flowering and have had great results. Do some reading take your time you should have enough nutes in that soil to get you by for a couple more weeks.