water immediately after transplanting?


Well-Known Member
hey, about a week ago this lovely female began to preflower. i want to go ahead and put her in a bigger pot. i am going to put it in a half gallon orange juice carton.
i'm not going to flower her, i just want her to get big enough to put out some branches to take as clones.
how big do plants from seed usually get compared to the height of the container it is in. she is twice as tall as the party cup i have her in now.
i've seen clones get huge in just a 20 oz soda bottle with the top cut off. the guy that grew them said he got 21-28g dried per plant. they were easily 4 times as tall as what they were in. but that's not from seed. i would say, from seed, they get about 2 times as tall.
sorry to ramble but here is the question. do i water immediately after i put her in the new container?

last week's pic, you can c the hairs on the leafless node↓↓↓↓↓↓

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓tonight's pic

the soil that i have here in now is a mix that i put together. its peat moss and perlite, and way too much lime+mag(noob mistake). no other additives. so i'm geussing that the ph is way off, probably too high. there was slow growth and by the end of the second week, leaves on the bottom started to die and later fall off, but stayed green on the top. she lost about 3 nodes down from the bottom. thats why she looks so rough, the soil i am putting her in is FFOF and perlite at a 1:1 ratio, plus 1 teaspoon per gallon of lime+mag. so do i water immediately after transplanting?


Well-Known Member
also another question, do i flush the soil that she is in now before transplanting to the new container?


New Member
Good questions, I am interested in seeing what more experienced growers say. I have limited experience and always water after transplanting, but do not flush before (unless the plant has problems).

Also, I water before transplanting to make the soil easier to handle without breaking into a million pieces. That is my only real suggestion.


Well-Known Member
I would say .... Always water immediately after transplanting! It's my belief that it helps the roots make good connections to the new soil.

I've never had to flush before transplanting. I would only do it if you had an active problem, if you think it's been worked out then I would just let it be, if the plant doesnt like the old soil it should more actively seek rooting into the new soil in the new pot.

Good Luck! :weed:


Well-Known Member
any body have any ideas on how big she will get in a half gallon orange juice carton? if not i will post when she is root bound again, and let you know.
also, i read that some1 slices the rootball with a razor a couple of time, should i do this or put it in without cutting.


New Member
any body have any ideas on how big she will get in a half gallon orange juice carton? if not i will post when she is root bound again, and let you know.
also, i read that some1 slices the rootball with a razor a couple of time, should i do this or put it in without cutting.
I would never try to hurt the rootball, but what do I know.

General rule of thumb seems to be 1 gallon per foot of plant, although it seems like I consistently see bigger plants in smaller pots. Again, we may have to wait for more experienced growers to give us abetter answer.


Well-Known Member
I would never try to hurt the rootball, but what do I know.

General rule of thumb seems to be 1 gallon per foot of plant, although it seems like I consistently see bigger plants in smaller pots. Again, we may have to wait for more experienced growers to give us abetter answer.
i know right, shit i just pulled her out and stuck her into the half gallon OJ carton, she had roots on the side but they only went down half way and then she just had a couple that had made their way to the bottom of the cup. she wasn't really rootbound at all. i've seen a root bound plant have roots covering all the sides and wrapping all the way down and around the bottom. she could have grown another foot in just 16 ounces. but being that the soil has a wacked up ph i cant test until my meter gets here i cant really assure that she would have. i bet she could get up to 2 ft in an 8 inch tall half gallon container.


Well-Known Member
her new home

she looks happier already

you can just see the hairs

thanks for the help, i watered while she was in the cup and then transplanted her and then watered again. i watered 2 days ago, hope she doesn't wilt from over watering


Well-Known Member
anybody know if i should keep her farther away from the light until she adjusts to her new home


Well-Known Member
i would listen to Duke
i would not go further from light you seem to have some stretch going on now


New Member
What is that OJ jug made out of? If it is paper or cardboard, ditch that right away. That stuff could possible mold!


Well-Known Member
hey, about a week ago this lovely female began to preflower. i want to go ahead and put her in a bigger pot. i am going to put it in a half gallon orange juice carton.
i'm not going to flower her, i just want her to get big enough to put out some branches to take as clones.
how big do plants from seed usually get compared to the height of the container it is in. she is twice as tall as the party cup i have her in now.
i've seen clones get huge in just a 20 oz soda bottle with the top cut off. the guy that grew them said he got 21-28g dried per plant. they were easily 4 times as tall as what they were in. but that's not from seed. i would say, from seed, they get about 2 times as tall.
sorry to ramble but here is the question. do i water immediately after i put her in the new container?

last week's pic, you can c the hairs on the leafless node↓↓↓↓↓↓

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓tonight's pic

the soil that i have here in now is a mix that i put together. its peat moss and perlite, and way too much lime+mag(noob mistake). no other additives. so i'm geussing that the ph is way off, probably too high. there was slow growth and by the end of the second week, leaves on the bottom started to die and later fall off, but stayed green on the top. she lost about 3 nodes down from the bottom. thats why she looks so rough, the soil i am putting her in is FFOF and perlite at a 1:1 ratio, plus 1 teaspoon per gallon of lime+mag. so do i water immediately after transplanting?
Oh yea, Most definetely water after the transplant, and make sure your planter has holes on the bottom for water drainage.


Well-Known Member
i would listen to Duke
i would not go further from light you seem to have some stretch going on now
i'm pretty sure it is a sativa dominant plant, they say they stretch a lot.

What is that OJ jug made out of? If it is paper or cardboard, ditch that right away. That stuff could possible mold!
yeah, its cardboard, but it has a slick feeling, but i did cut some holes in the bottom and the actually paper was revealed. i was thinking the same thing about mold too. but its all i have right now, what else would have a good height advantage. i dont really like round pots or buckets, would really like some tall square plastic pots similar to the shape of the OJ box. i like for the roots to grow tall, i think if the roots grow taller instead of outwards the plant should grow taller tool.


New Member
Hmmmm, tall and square. I honestly can't think of anything. Although I know I will think of something as I will look for shit that could be used as I go through the day. I was about to suggest a 2 or 3 liter bottle, but that is round. Damn...

I like short, wide pots because I have height issues to contend with, and also they are more stable, less likely to tip over. I use kitty litter buckets and I slice off the top part. Plants seem to grow same height.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i was going to use 2 or 3 liter bottle, but have the same fear of them gettin knocked over, that is why i used the OJ box cause its square. them damn red cups get knocked over easily too, fuckin skinny ass bottom circles. i am using a kitty litter bucket too. i use it cause it has a lid and i mix my soil up in it a little at a time. are you talking about cutting right below the handles. thats probably about 2 gallons below the handles. do you have any pics? peace!