Water intake


Is it normal for 12 plants to consume 8 gallons of water per day... im in week 2 flowering and my plants are about 4 feet tall under 2000 watts of HPS. I will admit my plants are getting pretty beastly, this is my first grow!:leaf:
Anything is possible but thats A LOT! Funny story I thought my girls were drinking 6 - 10 gallons of water per 4 or 5 days and then I found out I had a leak. It was facing my wall and I couldnt see it plus I have a custom over flow tray that is like 3 feet by 12 feet so 6 gallons spread out over that doesnt look like that much water. If I were you I would check for leaks, check to see if your buckets are filling with water and not draining, check the dryness of your room, I'm in AZ and water doesnt stand a chance, it evaporates quick. I'll post a pic of my ladies for you to get a gauge and they def dont drink 8 gallons a day (i also have 12 girls) whats up with the #12 you in AZ to?


Well-Known Member
Nah,its not abnormal for plants to guzzle a large amount of water from time to time,my rez's are 55 gallons & on a normal day in early bud they drink 4 to 6 gallons per rez per day.

Durring the time when my plants are in heavy bud (usualy weeks 3 thru 6) my plants allways drink 8 to 10 gallons a day,ive had some that drank over 15 gallons in a day & none lost to evaporation either,i cover the top of the tables to keep humidity in check & the rez's have lids so all lost water is surely drank.

Its all good.


Yeah i got a flow and grow system so its all contained... not really a chance for it to evaporate and it also has a 55 gallon res. ill take some pictures for yah when my lights come on tomorrow. but yeah mine look very similar to yours in size, mine dont have such a nice pruning job though, i kinda let mine go wild :)