Water pH Question


Well-Known Member
If I test 5 gallons of rain water in a clean plastic jug and then cap it will the level remain the same as I slowly use it?

Thanks very much in advance for any thoughts you can share.


Well-Known Member
If I test 5 gallons of rain water in a clean plastic jug and then cap it will the level remain the same as I slowly use it?

Thanks very much in advance for any thoughts you can share.
How long will it take you to cycle through that water? I would pour it into smaller containers with no air space left at the top and put in the fridge. That will stop bacteria from growing in water---well slow it down anyways.

It shouldn't effect ph in a sealed container I'd be more worried about the water turning funky before you get to use it.

M 2cents


It's best if you can chill it somehow, say you had a 3-season room or somewhere with a concrete floor. Nothing should really grow in it unless the temperature of the water ultimately makes it suitable for that.

The pH of rainwater is usually fairly good (5.6-6), unless you have acid rain. In soil pH of your water really isn't of great concern as it is for hydroponics.