Water PPM and adjusting nutrient solution


Well-Known Member
How do you guys adjust your solution when your water is above 100ppm? Or how do you manage these types of situations?


Well-Known Member
Just use the reading of your water as a base line. So if you add nutes and the meter reads 900 then minus your baseline reading (say 100) then it would be 800. If I were you and had that high of a reading then I would go with a RO system.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dude... 100ppm is nothing... Don't worry bout using RO. It's all about what's in your water. As an example... my water is 1000 feet deep well water. It runs about 260ppm, but whats in the water is ok for my plants. My plants do amazingly well with my on mix of 4 different brand of nutes. Been doing this for 3 years now and avg over 8oz of super dense and sparkly bud per plant in rockwool.

My colleague is using my same nute formula with RO water... we compared results... and believe it or not... my plants did way better. I was so glad... cuz I hate to waste water and wait forever to get the water via RO.

Anyway... just give it a try then listen to what your plants say... then accomodate them accordingly.

Good luck.


New Member
With out a water analyis show water hae rdness and calcium levels it is merely a gamble without RO. However with a TDS as low as 100 I would not be cocerned with calcium carbonate levels or Excessive maganes, excessive sulfur, excessive copper and lead. In general though an RO filter is not needed with a tap water TDS that low unless you live in a hi ome with copper piping built before the 1980's. If you liver in a home such as that your copper levels will be too j high unlseess your tap water has run a while after have ing set without drawing water for a period over 4 to 6 hours or so. Considering most MJ nutrient manafacturers actually supply to little calcium and no carbonates to their nutrients as mentioned some additional is usually need when using RO water.